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List Universal Packages

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List Universal Packages is an endpoint in ProGet's Universal Feed API that will return either PackageData JSON object (if name is specified) or a JSON array of objects, depending on parameters defined.

Parameter Description

Parameter Details
group Optional. If specified without name, returns an array of packages with a matching group name or an empty array.
name If specified, returns an object with a matching name and group or a 404 status with an error message in the body.
count Optional. If specified, returns an array with at most as many entries as specified; otherwise, at most 1000 packages are returned. This is ignored if name is specified.

Request Specification

To list a package, simply GET to the URL with one or more parameters.

GET /upack/«feed-name»/packages?group=«group»&name=«name»&count=«count»

Listing a package version requires the feed (e.g. myUniversalFeed) and package name (e.g. myUniversalPackage):

GET /upack/myUniversalFeed/packages?name=myUniversalPackage

Listing all packages with a package count specified requires the feed (e.g. myUniversalFeed) and count (e.g. 50):

GET /upack/myUniversalFeed/packages?count=50

Note that the group parameter must be a full match; future versions of this endpoint may allow for a sub-group searching (such as groupName*) if anyone requests.

Response Specification

A successful (200) response body will contain either a PackageData JSON object (if name is specified) or a JSON array of objects. For example:

When querying with no parameters, the request would return:

GET /upack/myUniversalFeed/packages

    "group": "MyGroup",
    "name": "MyUniversalPackage",
    "latestVersion": "2.0.4",
    "title": "Test Package",
    "description": "Test Package for API Documentation",
    "downloads": "5",
    "isLocal": true,
    "isCached": false,
    "versions": ["2.0.4", "1.2.3", "1.0.0"]
  { ... } // other packages

When querying a package by specifying a group (e.g. MyGroup) and/or name (e.g. MyUniversalPackage), the request returns:

GET /upack/myUniversalFeed/packages?group=myGroup&name=myUniversalPackage

  "group": "MyGroup",
  "name": "MyUniversalPackage",
  "latestVersion": "2.0.4",
  "title": "Test Package",
  "description": "Test Package for API Documentation",
  "downloads": "5",
  "isLocal": true,
  "isCached": false,
  "versions": ["2.0.4", "1.2.3", "1.0.0"]
Response Details
200 (Success) will return either a PackageData JSON object (if name is specified) or a JSON array of objects
403 (Unauthorized API Key) indicates a missing, unknown, or unauthorized API Key
404 (Package not Found) indicates the specified package does not exist, the body will provide some details as text