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Importing Builds from Azure DevOps

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Azure DevOps is a CI/CD service provided as part of Microsoft's Azure platform. Their Pipelines support containers natively, so many shops building and deploying containers turn to Azure DevOps Pipelines.

While BuildMaster performs excellent continuous integration and build automation, there are good reasons teams may choose to continue using Azure DevOps:

  • Save time and resources on retraining - if you're already familiar with Azure DevOps and the processes you've set up, you won't have to spend time learning something new
  • Reuse complex automations - processes like automated testing are complex to develop and are often fragile; moving these established, sensitive processes to a new system like BuildMaster will require some degree of effort that might be better spent elsewhere
  • Keep your existing infrastructure - you can use the Azure DevOps infrastructure that you've already built and is providing you with value

A large percentage of customers use BuildMaster alongside Azure DevOps in exactly this manner and for these exact reasons, the most common being simply that Azure DevOps is already a part of their in-house application suite, and used in combination with other hosting platforms or even self-hosted solutions.

Azure DevOps "Builds" vs. BuildMaster "Builds"

While both Azure DevOps and BuildMaster use the term "build," the concepts are slightly different.

  • A "build" in Azure DevOps is effectively the result of a build pipeline running and typically includes build artifacts as part of the attached output. Once a pipeline is configured, it almost always has a one-to-one relationship with a commit to an Azure Repo.
  • A BuildMaster build is a broader concept. It represents a new version of an application or component that may be released to production using a pipeline with various stages that represent your software delivery process. Builds have a lifecycle that is not only visible to business stakeholders but which can also be approved at different stages in the process and are organized under releases and applications that testers, operations, and managers understand.

Installing the Azure DevOps Extension

Integrating Azure DevOps with BuildMaster is easy: Simply navigate to the Admin > Extensions page in your instance of BuildMaster and click on the Azure DevOps extension to install it.

If your instance doesn't have Internet access, you can manually install the Azure DevOps extension after downloading the Azure DevOps Extension Package.

Connecting to Azure DevOps Using Resource Credentials

An Azure DevOps Resource Credential is used to connect BuildMaster to Azure DevOps at the instance level, but also supports connections on a "team project collection" level. These credentials are effectively a username and personal access token, so we recommend creating a specific account with the minimum amount of privileges required to interact with Azure DevOps, typically the permissions to the projects that will be integrated with BuildMaster.

To connect to a standalone instance of Azure DevOps (i.e., Azure DevOps Server), make sure the instance URL of the resource credentials is configured to the hostname for your installation, for example: https://azure-server.apps.corp

Importing Azure DevOps Artifacts

Azure DevOps can be configured to not only compile your application's source code and run automated tests against it but also to capture "artifacts" of that process. These artifacts typically include whatever files the compiler output, i.e., your compiled application.

Importing an artifact ensures BuildMaster will be able to deploy it to future stages whether Azure DevOps is accessible or not, and you can capture these artifacts in BuildMaster using the AzureDevOps::Import-Artifact operation.

Example: Using the AzureDevOps::Import-Artifact Operation

Here's how to import the artifact from the latest build within the ProfitCalc project:

    From: CorpAzure,
    Project: ProfitCalc,

Note that you can also capture the actual build number using the AzureDevOpsBuildNumber output variable, which will help create a visible association between the BuildMaster build and Azure DevOps. And like all operations in OtterScript, you specify variables for any of these parameters.

Automatically Queuing Builds in Azure DevOps

You can queue builds in Azure DevOps using the AzureDevOps::Queue-Build operation. There a few reasons you may want to do this:

  • Create different builds in Azure DevOps that are automatically triggered by check-in
    • A "Release Configuration" build that instructs the compiler to optimize for speed and does not include debugging symbols
    • A "Release Branch" build that uses a different source control branch to create the build
  • Inject contextual information from BuildMaster (release number, etc.) into the application code after it's checked-out but prior to being built by Azure DevOps; you can then display this information once the application is running in an environment
  • Link from Azure DevOps back to the application or build in BuildMaster, so you can have cross-links in both systems

Example: Using the AzureDevOps::Import-Artifact operation

Here's how to queue a build within the ProfitCalc project:

    From: CorpAzure,
    Project: ProfitCalc,
    WaitForCompletion: true

Branches in Azure DevOps

Azure DevOps has support for builds built from feature branches, and both the import and queue operations support using these branches.

For example, you can import artifacts from the last successful calculation-fix build on the ProfitCalc project by specifying the Branch parameter on the operation.

    From: CorpAzure,
    Project: ProfitCalc,
    Branch: calculation-fix,

While leaving the Branch property blank will refer to the <default> branch for the project, you may also specify one to optionally filter branch names with BuildMaster variables, for example: Branch: feature-$ReleaseNumber. This pattern allows feature branches in the Azure Repo to easily match up with the release number in BuildMaster.

Pushing Artifacts from Azure DevOps to an Artifact Repository

To push artifacts from Azure DevOps to BuildMaster or an artifact repository like ProGet, refer to the Trigger from External Systems documentation to see the variety of ways you can do this.

Capturing Azure DevOps Build Numbers

Whether you prompt for a build number or ask Azure DevOps for the latest build, BuildMaster lets you capture and link this back to the Azure DevOps build number.

Capturing this reference at build time is very important so you can see exactly what code was used to create the build artifacts:

  • From a debugging perspective, this saves you wasted time trying to figure out which code was deployed and saves frustration when the deployed application doesn't seem to match the code
  • From an auditing perspective, this lets you see exactly who made which changes to a deployed application and when those changes were made

BuildMaster gives you a lot of flexibility in capturing this information. Although you could always manually dig through the execution logs to find this information, a simpler approach is as follows:

  1. Specify an output parameter on the appropriate operation (such as import artifact or queue build); the operation will them set the value of runtime variable to Azure DevOps's build number
  2. Set a build configuration variable from the runtime variable; because runtime variables only exist during build time, capturing this as a build variable will create a permanent record on the build

Example: Capturing a Queued Build Number

This example uses both the AzureDevOps::Queue-Build operation and the Set-BuildVariable operation to queue a build in Azure DevOps and then set a configuration variable.

    From: CorpAzure,
    Project: ProfitCalc,
    AzureDevOpsBuildNumber => $AzureDevOpsBuildNumber

Set-BuildVariable AzureDevOpsBuildNumber
    Value: $AzureDevOpsBuildNumber

Once this variable is captured, a variable value renderer can be used to link $AzureDevOpsBuildNumber back to Azure DevOps on the Build Overview page, for example:

<a class="ci-icon azure-devops" href="$AzureDevOpsBuildNumber">Build #$AzureDevOpsBuildNumber</a>

Presenting a link directly to the Azure DevOps build in this manner helps maintain the assocation between BuildMaster builds and Azure DevOps builds, and makes it easier to find the original source of the build artifacts and logs.

Deploying Azure DevOps Artifacts

Once an artifact is captured via the optional queuing, followed by "import" operations in a build plan, future stages simply need to use the Deploy-Artifact operation to deploy to any number of servers or targets:

Deploy-Artifact profitcalc-web
    To: E:\Websites\ProfitCalc

Alternatively, you can download artifacts directly from Azure DevOps using the AzureDevOps::Download-Artifact operation:

    From: CorpAzure,
    Project: ProfitCalc,
    TargetDirectory: E:\Websites\ProfitCalc

Prompt for Build Number at Build Time

Using distinct build numbers for each build will help keep documentation clear, avoid silos and confusion, and will make tracking a specific build much simpler. Assigning a distinct build number at the time of the build, therefore, distinguishes the build from its inception.

When you create a new build from the BuildMaster web UI, a dropdown box appears. From here, you can select the build numbers that were generated by Azure DevOps.

Variable prompts are configured in an application's Release Templates. If you're not familiar with the feature, that's okay -- all applications have a "Default" release template that's used behind-the-scenes to determine which pipeline to use, and which variables to prompt for at release, build, and deploy time.

After you configure a branch name variable prompt (e.g. $AzureDevOpsBuildNumber), BuildMaster will create a build-scoped variable based on whatever the user selects. You can use that variable in your OtterScript plans to import artifacts from that build.

Example: Creating a Drop-down for Azure DevOps Builds

The following steps will configure a $AzureDevOpsBuildNumber variable prompt when new builds are created that defaults to master.

  • Navigate to the Default release template (Releases > Release Template > "Default")
  • Add a Build Template Variable
    • Type: Select "Dynamic List"
      • This will open a window where you can select the type of list
      • Select "Azure DevOps Builds" as the type
      • Select the Resource Credential you've already configured
    • Name: AzureDevOpsBuildNumber
    • Initial value: latest
    • Options: value is required

Automatically Importing into BuildMaster after CI Build

At the end of a build pipeline in Azure DevOps, you may wish to automatically import those artifacts into BuildMaster so you can smoothly move these builds into the pipeline for testing and release. This can be programmatically done using the Release & Build Deployment API.

When you want to specify the build number to import from, simply specify that as a variable (e.g., $AzureDevOpsBuildNumber) when making the API request. That will automatically create a build-scoped variable, which can then be used in your OtterScript plans to import artifacts from that build.

Example: Triggering an Importing Artifact Build Using PowerShell

Invoke-WebRequest http://{buildmaster-server}/api/releases/builds/create `
  -ContentType "application/json" `
  -Method POST `
  -Body '{"applicationName": "hdars", "releaseNumber": "2.14.0", "$AzureDevOpsBuildNumber": "$(Build.BuildNumber)" }' `
-Headers @{"X-ApiKey" = "<api-key>"}