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Clone Application Endpoint

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The Clone Application is an endpoint in BuildMaster's Application Management API that can clone an existing application and return an ApplicationInfo object describing the cloned application.

Request Specification

To clone an application, simply POST to the URL with an appropriate API Key and a CloneApplication object as the request body.

POST /api/applications/clone

Querystring parameters may be used for CloneApplication object properties instead of the Body

POST /api/applications/clone?«CloneApplication-properties»

Cloning an application with an CloneApplication body requires the name of the new application (e.g. clonedApp) and the name of the existing application it will be cloned from (e.g. originalApp)

POST /api/applications/clone
    "name": "clonedApp"
    "from": "originalApp"

Cloning an application with querystring parameters requires the name of the new application (e.g. clonedApp) and the name of the existing application it will be cloned from (e.g. originalApp)

POST /api/applications/clone?name=clonedApp&from=originalApp

Response Specification

A successful (200) response body will contain an ApplicationInfo object. For example, to clone a application named clonedApp from an existing application named originalApp, the request would return this:

POST /api/applications/clone

Response Details
200 (Success) clones the application, body will contain a ApplicationInfo Object
400 (Invalid Input) indicates invalid or missing properties on the CloneApplication Object; the body will provide some details as text
403 (Unauthorized API Key) indicates a missing, unknown, or unauthorized API Key; the body will be empty
500 (Server Error) indicates an unexpected error; the body will contain the message and stack trace, and this will also be logged