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Collecting Installed Packages & Running Containers

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Otter will also collect information about the packages (such as Universal, Chocolatey, PowerShell, etc.) and Docker containers on your servers. This means you don't have to log in to each server to view installed packages. or run docker inspect on each server.

Configuring & Viewing Packages

To configure a server package collection, go to the Packages & Containers tab on the server's overview pages, and click the configure button. You will be prompted for which types of packages to collect:

servers 4.png

When configured, Otter will regularly collect information about installed packages and display it in an easy-to-read report.

servers 5.png

Configuring& Viewing Docker Containers

To configure server container collection, go to the Packages & Containers tab on the server's overview page, and click the configure button. Check the box to collect server containers.

Otter will now display container information along with server packages in one simple report.