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Backing Up & Restoring Applications

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First and foremost, you should always routinely back up your entire BuildMaster instance. You never know when hardware could fail or other problems could happen.

But there are also times where you may want to back up and restore individual applications: perhaps before a major refactoring or as part of a migration from one instance of BuildMaster to another.

Backing Up an Application

To back up an application, first create a secure resource that points to a ProGet Universal Feed that BuildMaster has access to publish packages to, or a Universal Package Feed disk path. Disk path based back up and restores are available in BuildMater 6.2.10 and higher.

In order to use a Universal Package Feed disk path, you will need to create a Universal Package Feed secure resource. Instead of specifying a ProGet feed in the API URL, you will need to specify a disk path in the format of file://{PACKAGE PATH} (i.e., file://C:/BmApplicationBackups).

What's Included

Backing up an application will package all of the application's configuration (e.g. name, variables, configuration files, deployment plan, etc.) and all of the application's history (builds, releases, executions, etc.) into a universal package and then publish that package to the selected package soruce. For large applications with a lot of history, this will take a while.

Backing Up All Applications

You can back up multiple applications by going to Admin > Backup Applications. This performs the same backup procedure described above against all of the selected applications.

Restoring an Application from Backup

You can restore one or more applications by going to Admin > Restore Applications, selecting a package source, the application backup packages to restore from that source, and the restoration options.

  • Restore history; when selected, historic release, build, and execution data will be restored with the applications
  • Overwrite behavior; this determines what will happen if an application with the same name exists
    • Default (do not overwrite); an error will be raised and the restore will fail
    • Rename Restored Application; the imported application will be given a new, system-generated name (like "ProfitCalc-Restore1")
    • Merge Configuration; configuration (variables, plans, etc.) will be created or overwritten from the backup

Routinely Back Up Your Applications

Adding backups as part of your regularly scheduled maintenance will ensure that all of your applications will be easily restorable should something happen to break your workflow. In order to set this up, you will need to create a scheduled job that runs a custom plan with a simple OtterScript called System::Backup-Application

Here is an example:

    Application: HDars,
    PackageSource: BuildMasterApplications