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Customizing Usage/Installation Instructions

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Starting with ProGet v6, feed usage and package installation instructions can be customized by administrators.

Feed Usage Instructions

Feed usage instructions are details on how to set up your client tools to work with this feed. Feed usage instructions can be customized for each feed in ProGet. You can create a custom instruction, duplicate an existing instruction, hide an instruction, or delete a custom instruction. The usage instructions are displayed in the multi-button at the top of the page, where the feed's packages are listed.

Create a Custom Usage Instruction

To create a usage instruction for a feed:

  1. Navigate to your feed
  2. Click the Manage Feed button in the upper right corner
  3. Click the create link to the right of Feed Usage Instructions
  4. Enter the Title
  5. Enter the Instructions using MarkDown syntax
  6. Click Save

The title will be shown in the multi-button on the package list page. You can also duplicate an existing instruction by clicking on the instruction in the manage feed page and then clicking the Duplicate button in the bottom left corner.

Hiding/Showing a Usage Instruction

Usage instructions can be hidden from users. This is useful if you only want to use custom usage instructions instead of using the built-in instructions.

You can hide a usage instruction on the Manage Feed page by clicking the red "X" to the right of the instruction, or open the instruction by clicking the title and then checking the Hide from Users option.

You can show a hidden usage instruction by clicking the undo button to the right of the instruction or open the instruction by clicking on the title and then unchecking the Hide from Users option.

Deleting a Usage Instruction

You can delete a custom instruction by clicking on the red "X" to the right of a hidden instruction.

Package Installation Instructions

Package installation instructions are details on how to install a particular package from your feed. Starting with ProGet v6, you can now customize package installation instructions for each feed. Package installation instructions are displayed on the package detail pages. You can create a custom instruction, duplicate an existing instruction, hide any instruction, or delete a custom instruction.

Create a Custom Installation Instruction

To create an installation instruction for a feed:

  1. Navigate to your feed
  2. Click the Manage Feed button in the upper right corner
  3. Click the create link to the right of Package Installation Instructions
  4. Enter the Title
  5. Enter the Instructions
  6. Click Save

The title will be shown as a tab on the package details page. You can also duplicate an existing instruction by clicking on the instruction in the manage feed page and then clicking the Duplicate button in the bottom left corner.

Instructions are written using MarkDown syntax and support a subset of variables.

Hiding/Showing an Installation Instruction

Package installation instructions can be hidden from users. This is useful if you only want to use custom installation instructions instead of using the built-in instructions.

You can hide a package installation instruction on the Manage Feed page by clicking the red "X" to the right of the instruction, or open the instruction by clicking the title and then checking the Hide from Users option.

You can show a hidden package installation instruction by clicking the Undo button to the right of the instruction or open the instruction by clicking the title and then unchecking the Hide from Users option.

Deleting an Installation Instruction

You can delete a custom package installation instruction by clicking the red "X" to the right of a hidden instruction.

Package Installation Instructions Variables

When customizing a package installation instruction, you can use MarkDown syntax for formatting and a specific set of variables. Included variables are:

Variable Supported Feed Types Example
$PackageName All (except Docker & Assets) Inedo.SDK
$PackageVersion All (except Bower, Docker, & Assets) 1.13.0-ci.11
$PackageGroup Upack, Maven InedoReleases
$PackagePlatform RubyGems Ruby
$PackageFullName Upack InedoReleases/ProGet
$DownloadUrl Upack
$PackageArchitecture Debian amd64
$AddArchitectureCommand Debian sudo dpkg --add-architecture amd64
$RepositoryName Docker inedo/proget
$TagName Docker 6.0.0
$RegistryBaseUrl Docker
$Path Assets my-subdirectory/myfile.txt
$Name Assets my-file.txt

Note that Assets are only supported in ProGet 2022+.