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Sample: sbt (Scala)

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sbt is built for Scala and Java projects. In this sample, we built a simple Java library that demonstrates integrating sbt with ProGet.

sbt Hello World Library

Our sample is located on our GitLab repository This is a sample java library that is built using sbt that pulls dependencies from ProGet, creates a Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) using CycloneDX, pushes a package to ProGet.


  • Java JDK 8+
  • sbt
  • ProGet
    • If you are going to use the Software Bill of Materials portion, you will need ProGet v2022 or newer.

Building and Publishing the Project

This project is set up to use the following properties:

  • version: Version of the package
  • feed: The name of the feed in ProGet
  • host: The host address for ProGet (ex: http://localhost:81)
  • key: The API Key to publish and/or pull packages

Configuring sbt to use ProGet

The main components needed to integrate ProGet into sbt are configuring the externalResolvers and publishTo properties of the build.sbt. First, sbt is configured to use ProGet to pull dependencies. This is done by setting the externalResolvers property to use a maven repository. This example uses the host and feed to build a feed URL and key to specify the API Key repository access. The credentials properties can be removed if the feed is publicly available. If you are using a secured feed, the Credentials need to be added where the realm is ProGet Feed <FEED_NAME>.


val progetFeed = sys.props.getOrElse("feed", default = "my-maven-feed")
val progetHost = sys.props.getOrElse("host", default = "http://localhost")
val apiKey = sys.props.getOrElse("key", default = "key")
ThisBuild / credentials += {
    val credHost = new
    Credentials("ProGet Feed " + progetFeed, credHost.getHost(), "api", apiKey)
ThisBuild / externalResolvers := Vector("ProGet Feed " + progetFeed at progetHost + "/maven2/" + progetFeed)

Next, sbt is configured to push this package to ProGet. This is done by setting the publishTo property to use a maven repository. Just as the repositories, the url in this example uses the host and feed to build a feed URL and key to specify the API Key repository access.

ThisBuild / publishTo := Some("ProGet Feed " + progetFeed at progetHost + "/maven2/" + progetFeed)
ThisBuild / publishMavenStyle := true

Building the Package

To build the project runr:

sbt '-Dversion=0.1.0' '-Dhost=http://localhost:81' '-Dfeed=public-maven' '-Dkey=myApiKey' clean compile

Generating the SBOM.xml

This sample uses the sbt-bom plugin to generate an SBOM.xml.

You will first need to build your project, then run the following:

sbt '-Dversion=0.1.0' '-Dhost=http://localhost:81' '-Dfeed=public-maven' '-Dkey=myApiKey' clean compile makeBom

Once the SBOM file has been generated, it can be pushed to ProGet using curl with the import endpoint on the SCA API.

Publish Your Project

To publish your project, you will need to build, optionally generate the SBOM, and then publish. To do this:

sbt '-Dversion=0.1.0' '-Dhost=http://localhost:81' '-Dfeed=public-maven' '-Dkey=myApiKey' clean compile makeBom publish