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.NET Core

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.NET Core is an open-source, cross-platform environment that evolved from the .NET Framework. Compared to the .NET Framework, it offers a simpler tool chain, modular deployment, and support for multiple platforms rather than just Windows.

With development and coding effort, you can convert some of your existing .NET projects to .NET Core so they can run on other platforms including Linux and MacOS.

Building .NET Core Applications

.NET Core applications are typically built using MSBuild or dotnet.exe. MSBuild and dotnet.exe don't require Visual Studio to be installed, but in order to use them, you need the following prerequisites on a build server:

A further comparison between the tools is documented below.

Building with MSBuild

Refer to the Building .NET Console Applications documentation to see how to use MSBuild. .NET Core projects can be built exactly the same way.

Building with dotnet.exe

Another method for building is using the dotnet.exe command line tool. An example command is as follows:

dotnet.exe build MyProject.csproj --configuration Release --source https://proget.kramerica.corp/nuget/internal

The output from this build will be an application that can be executed on a machine with .NET Core installed. However, this command alone cannot generate a standalone executable for all platforms. The dotnet publish command must be used in conjunction with the build command in order to produce build output that is executable in your desired environment.

Building .NET Core Applications with BuildMaster

You can build your .NET Core projects just as easily as your regular .NET projects, using either MSBuild (MSBuild::Build-Project) or the newer .NET Core CLI, dotnet.exe (DotNet::Build).

The general process for building a .NET Core application is as follows:

  • Get source code from the source control repository
  • Compile project with MSBuild or dotnet.exe
  • Capture artifact for deployment

A rough example plan of this would be:

    Branch: master

DotNet::Build ProfitCalc.NetCore\ProfitCalc.NetCore.csproj
    Configuration: Release,
    PackageSource: InternalNuGet

    From: ProfitCalc.NetCore\bin\Release

The DotNet::Build operation will effectively run the following dotnet command:

dotnet.exe build "c:\...<buildmaster-temp>...\ProfitCalc.NetCore.csproj" --configuration Release --source https://proget.kramerica.corp/nuget/internal

Restoring NuGet Packages

By default, MSBuild does not restore NuGet packages during a build, which is often the cause of the "Missing an assembly reference" error message. To install NuGet packages before MSBuild runs, use the NuGet::Restore-Packages() function as follows:

    Target: ~\Src\<project-name>,
    Source: https://proget.corp/nuget/InternalNuGet/

This will essentially call nuget.exe install, and instruct it to look for a packages.config file in the SourceDirectory, and packages in the target Source.

However, the dotnet.exe CLI will automatically restore NuGet packages at build time (i.e., when dotnet build is run). To use a custom source, use the --source argument, which is supplied automatically when the PackageSource property of the DotNet::Build operation is executed.

Unit Tests

Unit tests for .NET Core applications are normally executed using the dotnet test command. Alternatively, there is a dotnet vstest command that executes the VSTest.Console application under-the-hood.

In order to view individual test results via BuildMaster, VSTest should be used. An example operation to execute and capture unit test results against a compiled library is as follows:

    TestContainer: ~\Output\ProfitCalc.Tests.dll

MSBuild vs .NET Core CLI (dotnet.exe build)

While dotnet build is considerably simpler to use than MSBuild, it uses MSBuild behind the scenes. According to the dotnet build documentation:

Running dotnet build is equivalent to dotnet msbuild -restore -target:Build

There are different arguments to dotnet build and msbuild (with different default values), but the behavior of these commands are identical. Of course, running dotnet msbuild is the equivalent to running msbuild directly.

It's a bit confusing, and to make matters worse, there were some bugs in early versions of msbuild and dotnet that made these commands behave slightly differently; allegedly, those problems have been fixed through various Visual Studio 2017 updates.

Ultimately, using dotnet build or msbuild is supposed to come down to personal preference, but you may find that one just works better than another.

Deploying ASP.NET Applications to IIS

While ASP.NET Core applications can be hosted in a variety of web servers, Microsoft's Internet Information Services (IIS) is the most common. See Deploying an IIS Website to learn how to accomplish this with BuildMaster.