- BuildMaster
- Getting Started with BuildMaster
- Builds and Continuous Integration
- What is a "Build" in BuildMaster?
- Git and Source Control
- Git Pipelines and Workflows
- Build Scripts & Templates
- Packages & Dependencies
- Build Artifacts
- Automated Testing & Verification
- Deployment & Continuous Delivery
- What is a “Pipeline” in BuildMaster?
- CI Server (Jenkins, TeamCity, etc.) Integration
- Deployment Scripts & Templates
- Automatic Checks & Approval Gates
- Manual Deployment Steps and Tasks
- Databases
- Configuration Files
- Rollbacks
- Advanced CD Patterns
- Applications & Releases
- Connecting to your Servers with BuildMaster
- Scripting in BuildMaster
- Configuring for Your Team
- Docker/Containers
- Development Platforms
- Deployment Targets
- Tools & Service Integrations
- Reference
- BuildMaster API Endpoints & Methods
- Extending BuildMaster
- Built-in Functions & Variables
- Applications
- Builds
- Configuration Files
- Containers
- Credentials
- Databases
- Deployables
- Environments
- Executions
- Files
- General
- Linux
- Lists
- Maps
- Math
- Nuget
- Packages
- Pipelines
- PowerShell
- Python
- Releases
- Servers
- Strings
- Built-in Operations
- Batch
- BuildMaster
- Configuration Files
- Databases
- DotNet
- Files
- Firewall
- General
- Apply-Template
- Attach Package
- Build
- Checkout-Code
- Close-Issue
- Concatenate-Files
- Copy-Files
- Create-Directory
- Create-File
- Create-Issue
- Create-Issue
- Create-IssueComment
- Create-Package
- Create-ZipFile
- Delete-Files
- Download-Asset
- Download-Http
- Ensure-Directory
- Ensure-File
- Ensure-HostsEntry
- Ensure-Metadata
- Ensure-Milestone
- Ensure-Package
- Ensure-Release
- Ensure-Tag
- Exec
- Execute Python Script
- Execute VSTest Tests
- Get-Http
- Install-Package
- OSCall
- OSExec
- Post-Http
- Push-PackageFile
- PYCall
- PYEnsure
- Query-Package
- Remediate-Drift
- Rename-File
- Repackage
- Replace-Text
- Send-Email
- Set-FileAttributes
- Set-Variable
- SHEnsure
- Sleep
- Transfer-Files
- Transition-Issues
- Upload-Assets
- Upload-Http
- Upload-ReleaseAssets
- Git
- Nuget
- PowerShell
- ProGet
- Python
- Registry
- Servers
- Services
- Shell
- Windows
- Administration
- Installation & Upgrading
- ProGet
- Getting Started with ProGet
- Packages: Managing & Tracking
- Feeds Types & Third-Party Packages
- What is a "Feed" in ProGet?
- What is a "Connector" in ProGet?
- NuGet (.NET)
- Universal Feeds & Packages
- PowerShell
- Chocolatey (Windows/Machine)
- RubyGems (ruby)
- Visual Studio Extension (.vsix)
- Maven (Java)
- npm (Node.js)
- Bower (JavaScript)
- Debian (Apt)
- Helm (Kubernetes)
- PyPI (Python)
- Conda (Python)
- RPM (Yum)
- Alpine (APK)
- CRAN (R)
- pub (Dart/Flutter)
- Cargo (Rust)
- Terraform Modules
- Conan (C++)
- Composer (PHP)
- Other Feed Types
- Asset Directories & File Storage
- Docker and Containers
- Replication & Feed Mirroring
- Software Composition Analysis (SCA)
- Security and Access Controls
- Cloud Storage (Amazon S3, Azure Blob)
- Administration
- Installation & Upgrading
- API Endpoints & Methods
- Otter
- Getting Started with Otter
- Orchestration & Server Automation
- Connecting to your Servers with Otter
- Collecting & Verifying Configuration
- Drift Remediation / Configuration as Code
- Scripting in Otter
- Configuring for Your Team
- Installation & Upgrading
- Administration & Maintenance
- Reference
- Otter API Reference
- OtterScript Reference
- Built-in Functions & Variables
- Executions
- Files
- General
- Linux
- Lists
- Maps
- Math
- PowerShell
- Python
- Servers
- Strings
- Built-in Operations
- Batch
- Docker
- DotNet
- Files
- Firewall
- General
- Apply-Template
- Collect Debian Packages
- Collect RPM Packages
- Collect-InstalledPackages
- Concatenate-Files
- Copy-Files
- Create-Directory
- Create-File
- Create-Package
- Create-ZipFile
- Delete-Files
- Download-Asset
- Download-Http
- Ensure-Directory
- Ensure-File
- Ensure-HostsEntry
- Ensure-Metadata
- Ensure-Package
- Exec
- Execute Python Script
- Get-Http
- Install-Package
- OSCall
- OSExec
- Post-Http
- Push-PackageFile
- PYCall
- PYEnsure
- Query-Package
- Remediate-Drift
- Rename-File
- Repackage
- Replace-Text
- Send-Email
- Set-FileAttributes
- Set-Variable
- SHEnsure
- Sleep
- Transfer-Files
- Upload-Assets
- Upload-Http
- Otter
- PowerShell
- ProGet
- Python
- Registry
- Servers
- Services
- Shell
- Windows
- Installation & Maintenance
- Windows (Inedo Hub)
- What is the Inedo Hub?
- Configuring & Maintaining Inedo Products
- Offline Installation (no Internet access)
- HOWTO: Install on Windows
- HOWTO: Upgrade or Downgrade with the Inedo Hub
- HOWTO: Install Pre-release Product Versions
- HOWTO: Configure Your Inedo Product to Run As a Windows Domain Account
- Silent/Automated Installation Guide
- Legacy (Traditional) Installer
- Linux (Docker)
- Manual Installation
- High Availability & Load Balancing
- LDAP/AD Integration
- IIS & Web Hosting on Windows
- Logging & Analytics
- SAML Authentication
- Upgrading your Inedo Product
- Managing Agents and Servers
- Backing Up & Restoring
- Installation Configuration Files
- SQL Server & Inedo Products
- Windows (Inedo Hub)
- Inedo Agent
- What is the Inedo Agent?
- Installation & Upgrading
- Downloads & Release Notes
- Maintenance & Configuration
- Internal Architecture
- MyInedo
- OtterScript (Execution Engine)
- Reference
- OtterScript
- Inedo Execution Engine
- Operations & Functions
- Text Templating
- Resource Pools
- Runtime Variables
- Advanced Scenarios & Features
- Statements and Blocks
- Romp (Discontinued)
- Using Romp
- Installing, Configuring, and Maintaining
- Romp CLI Reference
- Package Layout
- Downloads & Source Code
- Extensibility
- Inedo SDK
Job Orchestration API
The Job Orchestration API Endpoints offer a simple mechanism for triggering and checking the status of orchestration jobs; these should be used instead of the Native API Methods when possible, as they are much easier to use and will likely not change.
As the name implies, these endpoints interact with orchestration jobs. For security and simplicity, they require that a job template is created first. To create a remediation job, you can use the configuration management API.
A job template must be configured to allow API use, and each job template may specify an API Key. Using this, you enable certain jobs to be created for low-security development server orchestration, and high-security production server orchestration.
Trigger Job Endpoint
GET or POST /api/jobs/trigger?template=«template-name»&key=«optional-secret-key»
Creates and triggers a job based on the specified template, returning a status of 200 (on success), 400 (missing or incorrect parameters), 404 (template not found), or 403 (invalid key), and a body containing only a job token.
Any key/value pairs that are passed in the POST body or as additional query string parameters will be treated as job-scoped variables, and may override any values specified in the template.
Simple GET
GET /api/jobs/trigger?template=hdars&key=secure123
Status: 200
Body: 471
POST with Variables
POST /api/jobs/trigger?template=ablast
Status: 200
Body: 1871
The returned token is currently the integer-based identifier used for jobs; however, please treat this as a string of arbitrary length, just in case the implementation detail changes to a GUID... or maybe even a LongGuid.
Job Status Endpoint
GET or POST /api/jobs/status?token=«job-token»&key=«optional-secret-key»
Gets the status of a job that was created with the trigger endpoint, using the job token returned by that method. The API returns a status of 200 (on success), 400 (invalid parameters), or 403 (invalid key), and a body containing one of the following strings:
- indicates that the job dispatcher has not yet begun execution; unless the Otter service is disabled, it will be very rare to find a job in this statusSucceeded
- indicates that the job is complete (and did not end in Warning or Error state)Warning
- indicates that the job is complete but ended in a Warning stateError
- indicates that the job is complete but ended in an Error stateExecuting
- indicates that the job has not yet completed
Job Logs Endpoint
GET or POST /api/jobs/logs?token=«job-token»&key=«optional-secret-key»
Gets the logs of a job that was created with the trigger endpoint, using the job token returned by that method. The API returns a status of 200 (on success), 400 (invalid parameters), or 403 (invalid key), and a body containing the entire set of logs produced by the job, with each entry prefixed with DEBUG:
, or ERROR:
and ending with a newline.
Note that the logs entries are returned in the order in which they were logged; because of Otter's rich log scoping and ability to execute many things asynchronously, this may not be the order you are used to seeing in the web application UI.