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Silent Installation

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The Inedo Agent installer can also be run without displaying a window, which is ideal for Infrastructure as Code or script-based installations. To perform a silent installation, simply run the executable file from the command line or PowerShell with the /S argument.

Argument Format:

Silent installation arguments follow the format:

InedoAgentSetup.«version».exe /«argument-name»="«argument-value»"

Note: quotes are required if the argument-value contains whitespace.


.\InedoAgentSetup.42.exe /S /TargetPath="C:\Program Files\InedoAgent" /Port=46336 /TempPath="C:\ProgramData\InedoAgent" /ServiceName="INEDOAGENTSVC" /Security=AES /EncryptionKey="0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef"

Available Arguments

Name Default Value Notes
S (not applicable) This argument instructs the installer not to display a window, and does not have an argument-value
TargetPath %ProgramFiles%\InedoAgent The directory that will contain the service's executable and supporting files. If specified, argument-value must be an absolute path (i.e. %PROGRAMFILES will not expand)
Port 46336
TempPath %ProgramData%\InedoAgent The base directory for any ProductRootPath option not explicitly specified. If specified, argument-value must be an absolute path (i.e. %PROGRAMDATA will not expand)
UserAccount LocalSystem The user account to run the service under. For built-in accounts, use NetworkService or LocalSystem
Password The password for UserAccount. Omit this field for built-in accounts.
Security AES Also accepts SSL or None. It is recommended that this is left as AES as the other options do not have any way of validating the identity of the client.
CertificateName Used if Security is set to SSL. Represents the case-sensitive friendly name of a certificate in the Local Machine store.
EncryptionKey Used if Security is set to AES. Must be a 64-character hex string. If EncryptionKey is not specified, one will be randomly generated (which could overwrite an existing key on upgrade).