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RPM (Yum)

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RPM Package Manager (RPM, originally Red Hat Package Manager), is a free, open-source package management system used by many Linux distributions including Red Hat and CentOS. As of ProGet v5.2.25, RPM packages can be hosted and installed from ProGet.

Prerequisite Configuration

Client Configuration

In order to install packages from ProGet, each client must perform the following steps:

1. Add a .repo file to /etc/yum.repos.d

Yum stores its repository configuration in .repo files located in /etc/yum.repos.d/. To register a ProGet feed as a repository, create a new <RepoName>.repo file in that directory with content:


Note that <RepoName> can be anything, but we recommend using the ProGet feed name for clarity.

2. Verify yum configuration

To verify that Yum is able to download package metadata, execute:

yum repolist all

If the configuration is correct, this will list all repos (including the ProGet feed registered in Step 1).

Installing Packages

RPM packages are installed using Yum. To install a package hosted by ProGet, use the command:

yum install <package-name>

Creating Packages

To learn how to create an RPM package, visit a resource such as a simplified guide to creating your first RPM on the Red Hat Developer Blog.

Publishing Packages

yum does not support uploading a package, so ProGet offers a few alternative methods to publish RPM packages:

Upload from ProGet Web Application

On the feed overview page, select "Add Package" and "Upload Package" to upload an .rpm file directly from your browser.

Publish via HTTP

To push an RPM package via HTTP, issue a PUT or POST request with the package file as the content to: http://{proget-server}/rpm/{feed-name}/



curl http://{proget-server}/rpm/{feed-name}/ --user <user>:<password> --upload-file {my-package}.rpm


wget http://{proget-server}/rpm/{feed-name}/ --http-user <user> --http-password <password> --method POST --body-file {my-package}.rpm


Invoke-WebRequest http://{proget-server}/rpm/{feed-name}/ -Credential [System.Net.NetworkCredential]::new('<user>', '<password>') -Method PUT -InFile {my-package}.rpm

GPG Signing

GPG signing is currently not supported, but there is an open feature request on the forums; please contribute to that discussion or open a ticket if you'd like us to consider it further

Connectors for RPM (Yum) Feeds

Starting in ProGet 2023.22, RPM (Yum) feeds support connectors to other ProGet RPM (Yum) feeds, official RPM repositories, and other third-party repositories.

Official RPM Repositories

When connecting to an official RPM repository, ProGet will periodically download the index file. This can 30-60+ seconds, and the page will only report "Loading Packages..."; you may get a database lock error if you refresh, but it should eventually work. We will improve this experience in a future version of ProGet!

When creating a connector to an official repository, we recommend using a name that follows the URL conventions. For example:

Connector name:centos-7-os-x86_64

You can see a list of the default repositories in the/etc/yum.repos.d/ directory on a new installation.