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Installation, Inspection, and Verification

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Romp is invoked as follows:

romp «command»

The «command» is one of the following:

  • install - Install the specified romp package, unless it's already installed.
  • validate - Validates a package file on disk to ensure the layout and OtterScript are valid.
  • inspect - Validates the package and displays a report of the contents, required variables, and credentials.
  • uninstall - Uninstall the specified romp package.


romp install «package-file-or-name» [--version=«version-number»]

    [--unregistered] [--force]

This command has two run modes: file, where a file on disk is used for installation, and package source, where a universal feed is queried for a package.

Arguments and Flags

packageR positional This is either a file name or a package name

If this argument ends with .upack, then the command runs in file mode; otherwise it will run in package source mode

version value In package source mode, this references the specific version of a package to install. When not specified, the latest version is used.

Specifying this argument in file mode will result in an error.

source value See Common Package Source Arguments. <p<>Specifying this argument in file mode will result in an error.
authentication value See Common Package Source Arguments.
unregistered flag The package installation will not be registered; this does not impact storage of the installation logs.
force flag If the package is already installed, it will be reinstalled.
comment value Comment for the local package registry.

Specifying this argument with the unregistered flag will result in an error.

An "R" denotes a required property. When an object is not specified for a variable, a string indicates a required text variable, while a null represents a required text variable without a value.

Specifying Variables

You can specify variables as additional arguments by prepending the argument name with a "V".

Required Variables and Credentials

If the package specifies required variables or credentials, and you are running Romp interactively, you will be prompted for these values before the plan is executed.

Otherwise, Romp will exit with an error.


romp validate «package-file»

The following are verified: file format (zip), file layout, metadata validity, OtterScript validity.

Arguments and Flags

This has only a single, required argument: the path to the package file on disk.


romp inspect «package-file-or-name» [--version=«version-number»]

This command has two run modes: file, where a file on disk is used for installation, and package source, where a universal feed is queried for a package.

Arguments and Flags

packageR positional This is either a file name or a package name

If this argument ends with .upack, then the command runs in file mode; otherwise it will run in package source mode

version value In package source mode, this references the specific version of a package to install. When not specified, the latest version is used.

Specifying this argument in file mode will result in an error.

source value See Common Package Source Arguments.

Specifying this argument in file mode will result in an error.

authentication value See Common Package Source Arguments.

An "R" denotes a required property. When an object is not specified for a variable, a string indicates a required text variable, while a null represents a required text variable without a value.


romp uninstall «package-name»

This command uninstalls a previously installed Romp package. The package must have an uninstall.otter script file for this to be supported.

Arguments and Flags

package-nameR positional This a package name of a package that is already installed.

An "R" denotes a required property. When an object is not specified for a variable, a string indicates a required text variable, while a null represents a required text variable without a value.

Specifying Variables

You can specify variables as additional arguments by prepending the argument name with a "V".

Required Variables

If the package specifies required variables, and you are running Romp interactively, you will be prompted for these values before the plan is executed.

Otherwise, Romp will exit with an error.