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Cloud Package Storage Overview

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This feature is available in paid and trial ProGet editions.

ProGet defaults to storing package files on disk, but you can configure a feed to store packages on the cloud (Amazon S3 or Microsoft Azure Blob) instead. This offers two key benefits:

Scale when you need with cloud package stores; this takes the guess work out of your future storage needs. By storing packages on the cloud, you no longer have to worry about maintaining, installing, or provisioning additional storage capacity.

Disaster recovery is made simple; both Amazon S3 and Azure Blob storage offer redundancy, meaning that you don't have to worry about complex, disaster recovery plans for large amounts of package files because your files are automatically saved to the cloud.

Cloud storage is generally slower, as it's much faster to read/write files from local disk than it is over an internet connection. However, the speed difference may not be noticed in day-to-day use.

Configuring a Feed to Use Cloud Storage

By default, ProGet stores packages on disk using a disk-based package store.

You can change a feed's package store by going to the Manage Feed page, and clicking change next to the Package Store heading. This will open a dialog that allows you to select between Amazon S3 and Microsoft Azure.

After selecting the package store type, you will be presented with a handful of required configuration options.

Amazon S3 Options

Option Description
Access Key & Secret Access Key This is the equivalent of a username and password for Amazon Web Services; you can create one with the Amazon IAM console
Region Endpoint The region endpoint (such as us-east-1) where the bucket is located
Bucket The name of the storage bucket configured on S3 that will be used as a packages store
Prefix The path within the specified bucket; the default is "/"
Make Public When set, the files uploaded will be given public permission to view; this is generally not recommended
Encrypted When set, ProGet will request server-side encryption is used for packages; this is generally not recommended
IAM Role & Use Instance Profile When Use Instance Profile is checked the IAM role should contain the name of the role to use instead of the access key and secret key

Usage with Ceph/RGW

Because Ceph/RGW uses the Amazon S3 API, your ProGet communicate with your Ceph instance as if it were an AWS S3 Bucket.

However, because ProGet expects the "virtual host spelling" for S3, which means you may get an error like System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: Name or service not known («bucket-name».«sub-domain».s3.«domain-name»:443).

However, Ceph is often configured to work with https://«sub-domain».s3.«domain-name»/«bucket-name»/.

In this case, simply use your own DNS sub-domain name as the bucket-name, and it will work.

Azure Blob Options

Option Decription
Connection string A Microsoft Azure connection string, like DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=account-name;AccountKey=account-key
Container The name of the Azure Blob Container that will receive the uploaded files.
Target Path The path in the specified Azure Blob

Migrating an Existing Feed

When you change a feed's package store, the package files will not be moved. To ensure the new package store has the same packages, you can perform the following steps

  1. Clear the cached packages
  2. Stop the ProGet Service
  3. Note the disk path of the feed («old-disk-path»)
  4. Navigate to «old-disk-path» and "flatten" the directory (see below for example)
  5. Change the package store and configure appropriately
  6. Set the Drop Path to be «old-disk-path» from step 3
  7. Start the service
  8. Once imported, delete the empty «old-disk-path» from step 3

Note that this will only work on feed types that support drop paths.

Example PowerShell Script to Flatten a Directory

You can a simple PowerShell command to flatten a directory.

  1. In Windows Explorer, navigate to the directory to flatten (i.e. «old-disk-path»)
  2. File → Open Windows PowerShell
  3. Enter the following: Get-ChildItem -Recurse -File | ForEach-Object {Move-Item $_.FullName .}

This command will move all files within subfolders to directory the command is run in. Make absolute certain that you run this command in the appopriate directory, because it could do damage somewhere else.