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Upgrading ProGet

Modified on July 26, 2024view on GitHub

ProGet is self-managed, which means you can control when and how often you want to upgrade. When planning an upgrade for your ProGet instance, there are two categories of releases to consider:

  • Maintenance releases are low-risk and contain only backward-compatible enhancements, bug fixes, and security patches; we recommend upgrading to the latest maintenance release at least once per quarter
  • Major releases typically implement a brand new feature or revise an existing feature and are inherently higher risk than a maintenance release; we recommend reading the release notes carefully before planning to upgrade

See When should I upgrade my Inedo Product? to learn more.

ProGet Upgrade Path

You can see which version of ProGet you're currently using in the bottom right corner of the ProGet web application.

Current Version Upgrade Path
ProGet 2024.* This is the current release, and you should perform regular maintenance upgrades to stay up to date.
ProGet 2023.*
ProGet 2022.*
ProGet 6.0.*
ProGet 5.3.*
Upgrade directly to the latest ProGet 2024 (see notes)
ProGet 5.2.*
ProGet 5.1.*
ProGet 5.0.*
ProGet 4.*.*
Upgrade to latest ProGet 5.2, then latest ProGet 2023
See: 5.2 notes
ProGet 3.*.*
ProGet 2.*.*
ProGet 1.*.*
Upgrade possible, but consider retiring and starting over
See v2/v3 notes

How to Upgrade ProGet

The method you use to upgrade ProGet depends on how you installed ProGet. However, we recommend performing a back-up, just in case something goes wrong and you need to roll back. This is especially important if you are performing a major upgrade.

Windows Servers (Inedo Hub)

If you installed ProGet on Windows using the Inedo Hub, it's a really easy process.

Inedo Hub

Simply click "Upgrade" next to ProGet, select the desired version, and click Install. See HOWTO: Upgrade or Downgrade with the Inedo Hub to learn more.

Linux Servers (Docker)

If you installed ProGet on Linux, you can follow our upgrading your Docker containers guide to learn more.