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HOWTO: Scan and Block Packages in ProGet

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Configuring ProGet to automatically scan third-party open-source packages and container images for vulnerabilities is simple and straightforward.

This guide will explain how to scan and assess vulnerabilities, and how you can configure blocking rules and assessments when a package is found to be vulnerable.

Step 1: Enable Vulnerabilities Feed Feature

To configure vulnerability blocking on a feed, first navigate to the feed and click the "Manage Feed" button.

Manage Feed

Then click "change" in the Feed Features section under "Other Settings".

Change Feed Features

Enable "Display vulnerability information and enforce download blocking rules" and click "Save".

Change Feed Features

Step 2: Find Vulnerable Package

Now, you can navigate to your package of interest and click on the "Vulnerabilities" tab.

Package Vulnerabilities

From here you can click on the vulnerabilities found in your package to get more details and a description of the vulnerability, as well as a link to it's page on Inedo Security Labs


When a package, such as Newtonsoft.Json 12.0.3, has a vulnerability, you’ll see this message on the overview page:

Vulnerability Detected

Step 3: Assess Vulnerability

Vulnerabilities can be viewed by navigating to a package in your feed and selecting "Vulnerabilities", such as this vulnerability on the Newtonsoft.Json 12.0.3 package: Improper Handling of Exceptional Conditions in Newtonsoft.Json.


To assess a vulnerability, either navigate to the package's vulnerability tab or to "Reporting & SCA" > "Vulnerabilities", find the vulnerability you would like to assess, and click the assessment.

ProGet comes with three built-in assessment types:

  • Ignore indicates that the vulnerability report is not applicable or irrelevant and therefore allows packages to be downloaded
  • Caution tells developers to be careful to avoid the vulnerability; packages can be downloaded, but a warning is issued on the web UI
  • Blocked means that a vulnerability is too severe to allow use and packages cannot be downloaded

Assess Package Vulnerability

Select the assessment type, enter a comment, and click the "Save" button.

You can also set an expiry date by navigating to the advanced tab and entering a date in the "Expires" field using the format "mm/dd/yyyy".

Vulnerability Advanced

When choosing "Blocked", attempts to download the package from the API will now result in a "404" error, and a successfully blocked package will be shown on your feed "Overview" as shown below:

Package Blocked

Step 4: (Optional) Edit Package Policy Rules

Package compliance policies, available with paid ProGet, is configured on a feed-by-feed basis.

However, you can also set global compliance rules allowing you to block any package with unassessed vulnerabilities.

Navigate to "Administration Overview" and select "Policies (ProGet 2024 Preview Feature) under "Global Components".

Then select "edit" on the right of "Global" policies.

Edit Policies

Under the "Vulnerability Rules" category, select "edit". Now select the "General" tab and under "unassessed vulnerabilities" select "Non-Compliant". Then select "Save".

Unassessed Rule

Now the compliance rules have been configured, any packages that are assessed to have unassessed vulnerabilities will be categorized as "Blocked" and will not be downloaded, with any attempt to download the package from the API resulting in a "404" error.

Package Blocked

Step 5: (Optional) Add Custom Assessment Types

We recommend using auto assessment in combination with a package approval workflow.

You can edit or create your own assessment type and set up auto-assessment by navigating to "Administration Overview" > "Assessment Types" under "Vulnerability Management".

ProGet Assessment Type Setting

From here you can create an assessment type by clicking "Create Assessment Type".

Manage Assessment Types

By default, the assessment types of Caution, Blocked, and Ignore will be presented but they will not become automated unless the Auto Assess (CVS) is changed from Do Not Auto Assess to a specified range.

Create Assessment Type

Auto assessment can be customized to your preferences. However, if you’re unsure of what the best option is; we recommend reading our page on Vulnerability Scanning & Blocking.

Once you have entered the details of your Assessment Type, click "Save".

Step 6: (Optional) Scan Container Vulnerabilities

To scan containers for vulnerabilities, ProGet extracts and inspects the files within each container image layer and looks for vulnerable packages that are installed. The "Packages" and "Vulnerabilities" tab of a container image will show these:


ProGet 2023 and Earlier

Vulnerabilities had an overhaul in ProGet 2024. This was available as a preview feature in ProGet 2023.29+, which could be enabled by navigating to "Reporting & SCA" > "Vulnerabilities" and select "Enable Vulnerabilities Feature Preview..."

To see how to scan and block packages in earlier versions of ProGet 2023, see HOWTO: Scan and Block Packages in ProGet 2023 (