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Shell (Bash) & Other Scripting

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In addition to PowerShell (.ps1) Scripting, BuildMaster supports Shell (Bash), Windows Batch (.bat), and Python (.py) scripts.

Language Support & Prerequisites

BuildMaster runs these scripts on a server that uses an agent. The requirements for this server depend on the script to be executed.

  • Shell (.sh) can only be run against Linux servers
  • Windows Batch (.bat) can only be run against Windows servers
  • Python (.py) can be run against Windows or Linux servers, provided that Python3 is installed

For Python scripts where BuildMaster cannot detect where Python3 is located, you must create a server-scoped variable in BuildMaster called $PythonPath that contains the full path to Python (or python.exe on Windows).

Adding Existing Scripts to BuildMaster

The easiest way to add your existing scripts to BuildMaster is to navigate to your application, then Settings > Scripts > Add Script. From there you can either create a new script or upload scripts.

Running Scripts in BuildMaster

Once you've added a script to BuildMaster, you can run that script in a pipeline stage as a deployment target.

You can also use OtterScript to run those scripts on different servers, whether that means targeting servers sequentially, in parallel, or even with branching and interating (loops) logic.

Using Call Operations to Run Scripts

You can call your scripts using one of the "Call" operations:

  • SHCall for Shell (Bash)
  • BATCall for Windows Batch
  • PYCall for Python

BuildMaster can parse your script for parameters and inputs, and provide descriptions for script arguments in the OtterScript visual editor:

Example: Batch Script to release and renew a DHCP IP Address

If you were to add the following Windows Batch script to BuildMaster...

REM AhDescription: Release and Renew the IP Address of a local computer

ipconfig /release
ipconfig /renew can then run it in your OtterScript using:

BATCall ReleaseRenewIpAddress.bat;

Inline Execution of Shell and Python Code

The SHExec and PYExec operations, allow you to insert Shell or Python code directly into your OtterScript. Due to the limited capabilities of Windows batch scripts, there is no BATExec operation.

When you run scripts this way, BuildMaster automatically replaces variables within the script. In the example above, $ApplicationName would be replaced with the name of the application being built or deployed.

Example: Single line create folder

SHExec mkdir "/home/user/temp";

Example: Single line create folder using an OtterScript variable

set $temp_folder_path = /home/user/temp;
SHExec mkdir "$temp_folder_path";

Example: Multi line create folder

set $temp_folder_path = /home/user/temp;
SHExec  >>
echo "Creating directory $temp_folder_path"
mkdir $temp_folder_path

Using Script Arguments (Inputs & Outputs)

BuildMaster uses Augmented Help to generate descriptions and prompts for your scripts.

By adding augmented help comment headers to your script, you can make it easier to find and use your scripts in OtterScript.

Shell (.sh) Arguments (Inputs & Outputs)

To use Augmented Help with a Shell script, simply add comment lines directly under the shebang (#!) line. Each of the lines in this comment header should have the keyword (AhDescription, AhParameter, etc.), followed by a colon (:).

For example, to describe, a script with both an input and output parameter, your script may look like this:

# AhDescription: This script will find the disk usage percentage
# AhParameter: path_check
# AhParameter: percent_used (output)

echo "Finding disk usage percentage for $path_check..."
percent_used=$(df --output=pcent $path_check | awk 'NR==2{ print $1 }')

In this case, path_check will be passed as a variable to the script, capturing the value of percent_used once the script exits. In OtterScript, you could use this script as follows.

set $disk_path = /dev/sdb;

    Parameters: %(path_check: $disk_path, percent_used: percentUsed)

if $Compare($TrimEnd($percentUsed, `%), >, 85, true) == true
   Log-Error Cannot deploy to $disk_path because it's currently using $percentUsed of its available storage capacity;

Note that, when mapping AhParameters as output variables to OtterScript variables, you must omit the $ character of the OtterScript variable that is being mapped. In addition, Shell scripts cannot include exit # or return #.

Windows Batch (.bat) Arguments (Input Only)

To use Augmented Help with a Windows Batch script, simply add comment lines (i.e., lines starting with REM) at the top of the script. Each of the lines in this comment header should have the keyword (AhDescription, AhParameter, etc.), followed by a colon (:).

For example, to describe SetIP.bat, you might add the following comment header:

REM AhDescription: Sets the static IP address of "Local Area Connection"
REM AhParameter: ip_address
REM AhParameter: subnet_mask (default="")
REM AhParameter: dns_address

netsh interface ip set address "Local Area Connection" static %1 %2 %3 1

Parameters will be passed in via positional command line arguments in the order the parameters are specified, unless you specify a custom string using AhArgsFormat. In Windows Batch script, command line arguments are accessed in script using %1, %2, ...%n.

If your Windows Batch script uses environment variables for input, you can also specify that as follows:

REM AhParameter: hdars_path (environment)

Python (.py) Arguments (Inputs & Outputs)

If your Python script has a Docstring comment header, BuildMaster will use that for parameter inputs.

For example:

This script leverages RESTCONF to updates the IP address on the interface.
   interface_name (string): name of the interface to update
   ip_address (string): new IP address
   ip_netmask (string): new IP netmask

This would then be called in BuildMaster as follows:

    Parameters: %(interface_name: HDARIF, ip_address: $NewIP, ip_netmask:

The three parameters (interface_name, ip_address, and ip_netmask) would be available as variables in the Python script. If you use AhParameter insead of Args, you can use any of the augmented help options, including output variables.

Technical Implementation

Shell Scripts

BuildMaster will first write your script to a temporary directory, then it will use the Linux command line to execute your scripts via ./<<file-name>> <<arguments>>, and will then remove the temporary file after.

When using augmented help, there are a few differences in the exectution.

  • AhParameters are defaulted to an "input" usage and will be prepended to the begining of the temporary script so they can be used by name (e.g. $dir1 in the script).
  • AhParameters with the "args" usage will be passed in order via the command line arguments. For example, if you have parameters $dir1 and $dir2, these will be passed to the script as ./ $dir1 $dir2.
  • When including AhParameters with the "output" usage type, the Shell script will be wrapped in a function named AhScriptWrapper so variables can be exported. This prevents the use of return and exit from within the script. Instead, use another "output" AhParameter and handle it using OtterScript.

Python Scripts

BuildMaster uses the standard Python3 interpreter to execute your scripts. The script is executed using Python's exec, allowing it to access variables declared as inputs in the AhParameters section of the docstring, and BuildMaster also hooks into Python's logging system, allowing calls in Python to be captured with the appropriate log levels in Otter. Output values are read after exec returns.

Windows Batch

BuildMaster will first write your script to a temporary directory, then use the Windows command line to execute your scripts via cmd.exe /c <<file-name>> <<arguments>>, and then remove the temporary file.

When using augmented help, the AhParameters will be passed in order via the command line arguments. For example, if you have parameters $dir1 and $dir2, these will be passed to the script as cmd.exe /c example.bat $dir1 $dir2.