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Creating and Publishing Packages

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Romp is invoked as follows:

romp «command»

The «command» is one of the following:

  • pack - Creates a Romp package from the specified directory.
  • publish - Publishes the specified package to a package source.


romp pack «directory-name» \[«output-file-name»\] \[--overwrite\]

If the directory does not represent a valid Romp package, an error is raised and the package is not created. This behavior may be overridden with the --force flag.

The package will be written to the specified fileName or one constructed by the packagename

Arguments and Flags

directory-nameR positional An absolute or relative path of a directory to be created. This can be the current working directory, specified with a single dot.
output-file-name positional The name of the output file. This can be a relative or absolute path. If it does not end in .upack, an error will be raised unless --force is specified.

If nothing is specified, a file is placed in the current working directory with a name created from the metadata based on the package name and version.

overwrite flag If specified, the output file name is overwritten if it already exists. Otherwise an error is raised.

An "R" denotes a required property. When an object is not specified for a variable, a string indicates a required text variable, while a null represents a required text variable without a value.


romp publish «file-name» \[--source=«feedurl»\] \[--authentication=«api-key-or-username-password»\]

Arguments and Flags

file-nameR positional The relative or absolute path to a Romp package file.
source value See Common Package Source Arguments.
authentication value See Common Package Source Arguments.

An "R" denotes a required property. When an object is not specified for a variable, a string indicates a required text variable, while a null represents a required text variable without a value.