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pub (Dart/Flutter)

view on GitHub is the main repository for Dart or Flutter packages. Since version 2024.11, ProGet supports pub feeds to host pub packages.

Installing Packages

Pub packages are added as dependencies to a pubspec.yaml file. To use a package from a ProGet feed, add an entry like this to pubspec.yaml in the dependencies section:

 hosted: {proget-server}/pub/{feed-name}
 version: ^{package-version}

Authenticated Feeds

If you've configured your feed to require authentication, you must add a token to dart/flutter. First, create any API key (such as a personal API key) with the desired permissions in ProGet.

Next, add that API key to dart/flutter as a token using the pub token add command:

dart pub token add {proget-server}/pub/{feed-name}


flutter pub token add {proget-server}/pub/{feed-name}

Dart/Flutter will prompt for the API key/token. You may paste it into the console or type it in manually.

Creating Packages

To learn how to create a pub package that can be hosted by ProGet, see the official documentation.

Publishing Packages

To publish a package to ProGet using Dart or Flutter, add a publish_to field to your pubspec.yaml file:

publish_to: {proget-server}/pub/{feed-name}

See Publishing to a custom package repository in the official documentation for more information.

Connecting to External Repositories

You can create a connector to any pub repository (including This will allow you to proxy the external feed through ProGet, but browsing through the web application is limited, since pub repositories do not provide a search API, and do not expose certain metadata such as a package's README file or the LICENSE. Once you download/cache the package, you'll be able to see this information.


If you have a connector to in your feed, you may want to override the default package repository on your system to point to your ProGet feed instead of See Overriding the default package repository for instructions on configuring this.