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Release Notes

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There are times you'll want to attach additional information to a release or build, usually to document something for later auditing purposes or to share information with another team member.

For example, you might want to document some of the following:

  • The reason for using a different pipeline for the release instead of the usual pipeline
  • Why a release was un-canceled
  • Special considerations for testing
  • Deployment issues found in a particular build

BuildMaster facilitates this documentation through the use of release notes. Release notes are often helpful to model part of an existing release process.

Creating and Editing Notes

You can create or edit a release note on either the release or build overview page.

This is only possible for users who have special permission to manage release notes.

Automatically Creating Notes

The Create Release Note operation allows you to add a note to the current release, a release, or a build in any application using an operation in your deployment plan. You can include any text in the release note, including:

  • Corrective steps automatically executed using a try/catch statement after an error occurred during a deployment
  • The ID of an issue created using an issue tracking tool operation
  • The specific server used in a resource pool