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CI Build Status Badges

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Status badges are images that show the status of a build at a glance, often with links back to the original CI system that generated them. BuildMaster supports the generation of status images and links using the CI Badge API.

Badges are commonly used by open-source software because it typically relies on multiple build systems or tools working together in an automated fashion, with the added ability to immediately see whether or not a build, test, or deployment was successful. An example of this is Inedo's own extensions hosted on GitHub (e.g. InedoCore) that display a build status badge that links back to our public instance of BuildMaster where the extensions are built and deployed.

Generating CI Badges

BuildMaster allows external tools to query build status in order to generate a CI Badge, such as:

To access the CI Badge API, an API key with access to the API must be added. Then, the following URLs can be used to generate either the badge image or a link to the appropriate build/execution:



HTML Example

Using the above URLs with actual data, a badge containing an image with a link in HTML is generated as follows:

<a href=";$ApplicationId=2" rel="nofollow"><img src=";$ApplicationId=2" alt="Build status"></a>

Markdown Example

To generate the same badge as the HTML example above using Markdown, use:

[![Build status]($ApplicationId=2)]($ApplicationId=2)

Badge API

The CI Badge API provides a simple way to allow external tools to query build status to generate a CI Badge with a helpful link directly to the build or deployment execution to which the status on the badge refers.

API Usage

Each of these endpoints requires that an API key with CI Badge access be provided with each request. In the examples, a query string is used for simplicity, since most rendered versions are submitted directly to a web page, but you could also use a header, a form value, or a JSON property. See API Access & API Keys for more information.

Endpoint Specifications

This endpoint receives data entirely as key/value parameters, which can be specified both in the querystring (recommended) and in the body (application/x-www-form-urlencoded); duplicate keys result in undefined behavior.

Endpoint Arguments

The arguments for both endpoints are the same, an API key (supplied as key or API_Key), and additional OData-style intersectional (i.e. AND'ed) filters to locate a matching build:

Argument Description
$ApplicationName (indexed) The latest execution of the latest build of the latest release in the specified application name
$ApplicationId (indexed) The latest execution of the latest build of the latest release in the specified application ID
$ReleaseNumber (indexed) The latest execution of the latest build of the specified release number; it is recommended to supply an application specifier with this argument
$BuildNumber (indexed) The latest execution of the specified build; it is recommended to supply an application specifier with this argument
_$CustomVariable_ Using a custom variable name and value pair as an argument will locate a build with a matching variable value in context. Common examples are $GitCommit, $Branch, $Tag such that the first build found that matches this specified build variable and value will be used for the badge status.

Refer to the examples section for more information and use-cases.

Image Endpoint

GET /api/ci-badges/image

If successful, returns the 200 status with the content of an SVG image (content type image/svg+xml, or gzip if compression is supported by the client) representing the status of the queried build, one of the following:

Badge Conditions
success.svg Latest matching build execution completed successfully
pending.svg Latest matching build execution created but hasn't started yet
running.svg Latest matching build execution is in progress
warning.svg Latest matching build execution completed with at least one warning
error.svg Latest matching build execution completed with at least one error
unknown.svg No matching builds found.

This endpoint will always return a 200 unless the API key is not valid or unauthorized, resulting in a 403.

GET /api/ci-badges/link

If successful, returns the 303 redirect status with the Location header to a page within BuildMaster depending on the page argument:

"Page" argument Redirect Page
build (default) Build Overview page
release Release Overview page
application Application Overview page
execution Execution details page, either for a specific execution ID or the latest execution to first stage for matching build

A successful matching build will result in a 303 redirect, and other errors will result in a 400 or 403.


<a href="$ApplicationName=Windows" rel="nofollow">
  <img alt="Build status" src="$ApplicationName=Windows" />
GitHub README Markdown
[![Build status]($ApplicationName=InedoCore)]($ApplicationName=InedoCore)
GitLab Project/Group

Under Settings » General of a project or group:


Image URL:$ApplicationName=%{project_path}