- BuildMaster
- Getting Started with BuildMaster
- Builds and Continuous Integration
- What is a "Build" in BuildMaster?
- Git and Source Control
- Git Pipelines and Workflows
- Build Scripts & Templates
- Packages & Dependencies
- Build Artifacts
- Automated Testing & Verification
- Deployment & Continuous Delivery
- What is a “Pipeline” in BuildMaster?
- CI Server (Jenkins, TeamCity, etc.) Integration
- Deployment Scripts & Templates
- Automatic Checks & Approval Gates
- Manual Deployment Steps and Tasks
- Databases
- Configuration Files
- Rollbacks
- Advanced CD Patterns
- Applications & Releases
- Connecting to your Servers with BuildMaster
- Scripting in BuildMaster
- Configuring for Your Team
- Docker/Containers
- Development Platforms
- Deployment Targets
- Tools & Service Integrations
- Reference
- BuildMaster API Endpoints & Methods
- Extending BuildMaster
- Built-in Functions & Variables
- Applications
- Builds
- Configuration Files
- Containers
- Credentials
- Databases
- Deployables
- Environments
- Executions
- Files
- General
- Linux
- Lists
- Maps
- Math
- Nuget
- Packages
- Pipelines
- PowerShell
- Python
- Releases
- Servers
- Strings
- Built-in Operations
- Batch
- BuildMaster
- Configuration Files
- Databases
- DotNet
- Files
- Firewall
- General
- Apply-Template
- Attach Package
- Build
- Checkout-Code
- Close-Issue
- Concatenate-Files
- Copy-Files
- Create-Directory
- Create-File
- Create-Issue
- Create-Issue
- Create-IssueComment
- Create-Package
- Create-ZipFile
- Delete-Files
- Download-Asset
- Download-Http
- Ensure-Directory
- Ensure-File
- Ensure-HostsEntry
- Ensure-Metadata
- Ensure-Milestone
- Ensure-Package
- Ensure-Release
- Ensure-Tag
- Exec
- Execute Python Script
- Execute VSTest Tests
- Get-Http
- Install-Package
- OSCall
- OSExec
- Post-Http
- Push-PackageFile
- PYCall
- PYEnsure
- Query-Package
- Remediate-Drift
- Rename-File
- Repackage
- Replace-Text
- Send-Email
- Set-FileAttributes
- Set-Variable
- SHEnsure
- Sleep
- Transfer-Files
- Transition-Issues
- Upload-Assets
- Upload-Http
- Upload-ReleaseAssets
- Git
- Nuget
- PowerShell
- ProGet
- Python
- Registry
- Servers
- Services
- Shell
- Windows
- Administration
- Installation & Upgrading
- ProGet
- Getting Started with ProGet
- Packages: Managing & Tracking
- Feeds Types & Third-Party Packages
- What is a "Feed" in ProGet?
- What is a "Connector" in ProGet?
- NuGet (.NET)
- Universal Feeds & Packages
- PowerShell
- Chocolatey (Windows/Machine)
- RubyGems (ruby)
- Visual Studio Extension (.vsix)
- Maven (Java)
- npm (Node.js)
- Bower (JavaScript)
- Debian (Apt)
- Helm (Kubernetes)
- PyPI (Python)
- Conda (Python)
- RPM (Yum)
- Alpine (APK)
- CRAN (R)
- pub (Dart/Flutter)
- Cargo (Rust)
- Terraform Modules
- Conan (C++)
- Composer (PHP)
- Other Feed Types
- Asset Directories & File Storage
- Docker and Containers
- Replication & Feed Mirroring
- Software Composition Analysis (SCA)
- Security and Access Controls
- Cloud Storage (Amazon S3, Azure Blob)
- Administration
- Installation & Upgrading
- API Endpoints & Methods
- Otter
- Getting Started with Otter
- Orchestration & Server Automation
- Connecting to your Servers with Otter
- Collecting & Verifying Configuration
- Drift Remediation / Configuration as Code
- Scripting in Otter
- Configuring for Your Team
- Installation & Upgrading
- Administration & Maintenance
- Reference
- Otter API Reference
- OtterScript Reference
- Built-in Functions & Variables
- Executions
- Files
- General
- Linux
- Lists
- Maps
- Math
- PowerShell
- Python
- Servers
- Strings
- Built-in Operations
- Batch
- Docker
- DotNet
- Files
- Firewall
- General
- Apply-Template
- Collect Debian Packages
- Collect RPM Packages
- Collect-InstalledPackages
- Concatenate-Files
- Copy-Files
- Create-Directory
- Create-File
- Create-Package
- Create-ZipFile
- Delete-Files
- Download-Asset
- Download-Http
- Ensure-Directory
- Ensure-File
- Ensure-HostsEntry
- Ensure-Metadata
- Ensure-Package
- Exec
- Execute Python Script
- Get-Http
- Install-Package
- OSCall
- OSExec
- Post-Http
- Push-PackageFile
- PYCall
- PYEnsure
- Query-Package
- Remediate-Drift
- Rename-File
- Repackage
- Replace-Text
- Send-Email
- Set-FileAttributes
- Set-Variable
- SHEnsure
- Sleep
- Transfer-Files
- Upload-Assets
- Upload-Http
- Otter
- PowerShell
- ProGet
- Python
- Registry
- Servers
- Services
- Shell
- Windows
- Installation & Maintenance
- Windows (Inedo Hub)
- What is the Inedo Hub?
- Configuring & Maintaining Inedo Products
- Offline Installation (no Internet access)
- HOWTO: Install on Windows
- HOWTO: Upgrade or Downgrade with the Inedo Hub
- HOWTO: Install Pre-release Product Versions
- HOWTO: Configure Your Inedo Product to Run As a Windows Domain Account
- Silent/Automated Installation Guide
- Legacy (Traditional) Installer
- Linux (Docker)
- Manual Installation
- High Availability & Load Balancing
- LDAP/AD Integration
- IIS & Web Hosting on Windows
- Logging & Analytics
- SAML Authentication
- Upgrading your Inedo Product
- Managing Agents and Servers
- Backing Up & Restoring
- Installation Configuration Files
- SQL Server & Inedo Products
- Windows (Inedo Hub)
- Inedo Agent
- What is the Inedo Agent?
- Installation & Upgrading
- Downloads & Release Notes
- Maintenance & Configuration
- Internal Architecture
- MyInedo
- OtterScript (Execution Engine)
- Reference
- OtterScript
- Inedo Execution Engine
- Operations & Functions
- Text Templating
- Resource Pools
- Runtime Variables
- Advanced Scenarios & Features
- Statements and Blocks
- Romp (Discontinued)
- Using Romp
- Installing, Configuring, and Maintaining
- Romp CLI Reference
- Package Layout
- Downloads & Source Code
- Extensibility
- Inedo SDK
A PowerShell feed is a specialized type of NuGet feed intended to store PowerShell modules. It is accessible directly from PowerShellGet.
Installing Modules
PowerShell packages are installed using PowerShell. To install a package from a ProGet feed, use the following commands:
1. Register Repository
PS> Register-PSRepository -Name "{feed-name}" -SourceLocation "http://{proget-server}/nuget/{feed-name}/"
2. Install Module
PS> Install-Module -Name "{package-name}" -RequiredVersion "{package-version}" -Repository "{feed-name}"
Differences from NuGet Feeds
Since PowerShell module packages are actually NuGet packages, PowerShell feeds are functionally identical to NuGet feeds except for some user interface tweaks:
- PowerShell feed packages have their own icon to indicate that they are PowerShell modules
- Instructions for PsGet are displayed instead of NuGet in the installation instructions for a package
- Tags are not displayed on the Browse Feed page because PowerShell packages use them differently and typically have a large number of tags that make them impractical to display in an overview
PowerShell Module Package Version Quirks
Due to a validation error in the Microsoft-powered PowerShell gallery, several packages have two different version numbers: one in the .nuspec file and one in the module's .psd1 file.
This causes a number of problems, the most common of which is that a package ends up in the "wrong" location when installed from a ProGet repository on a Windows machine. For example, SqlServerDsc will install to C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\SqlServerDsc\12.2.0
while the .psd1 actually says As a result, PowerShell refuses to load the module because it believes the manifest is incorrect.
A workaround is to disable caching for the PSGallery connector and then remove the incorrectly versioned packages (pull them into ProGet and then delete them). After that, ProGet can now deliver packages directly from the connector with the correct version number.
As of April 8th, 2019, this is being tracked in PowerShellGallery Issue #55 and workarounds are discussed on our forums.
PowerShell Missing Packages
Due to another bug in the Microsoft-powered PowerShell Gallery, its API reports that some packages are not present. The PowerShell client tries to work around this error by attempting to retry the query with a different query, but it only attempts this workaround when querying the PowerShell Gallery. It does not attempt this workaround when querying ProGet.
The simplest workaround for this error is to simply pull these packages locally.
As of October 1st, 2018, this is being tracked in PowerShellGallery Issue #30.
Publishing to a PowerShell Feed
You can register and publish to a PowerShell feed in ProGet easily using PowerShell 5.0 or newer and PowerShellGet.
Import-Module PowerShellGet
Register-PSRepository -Name MyProGetFeed -SourceLocation <ProGetUrl> /nuget/<FeedName>/ -PublishLocation <ProGetUrl>/nuget/<FeedName>/
Publish-Module -Path <ModuleFile> -NuGetApiKey <UserName>:<Password>-Repository MyProGetFeed
If you would prefer to use an API key instead of user name/password credentials, you can create a Feed API Key in ProGet and use the following format for Publish-Module
Publish-Module -Path <ModuleFile> -NuGetApiKey <API Key> -Repository MyProGetFeed