Built-in Operations
This is generated from the built in components of Otter 2023.0, and may be different than what you have installed (especially if you have extensions); go to [Gear Icon] -> Administration -> Operations within your Otter instance to see exactly what operations are available.
- BATCall - Executes an OtterScript Script stored in a raft.
- Collect Docker Containers - Collects information about Docker containers on a server.
- Ensure AppSetting - Ensures a .NET application configuration file has the specified appSetting key/value pair.
- Ensure Asset - Ensures the existence of an asset file on a server.
- Extract-ZipFile - Extracts a zip file on a server.
- Get Asset - Gets the specified asset file and saves it to the current working directory or target path.
- Ensure Firewall Rule - Ensures the existence of a firewall rule on a Windows server.
- Apply-Template - Applies full template transformation on a literal, a file, or a template asset.
- Collect Debian Packages - Collects the names and versions of .deb packages installed on a server.
- Collect RPM Packages - Collects the names and versions of .rpm packages installed on a server.
- Collect-InstalledPackages - Collect list of installed universal packages
- Concatenate-Files - Concatenates files on a server.
- Copy-Files - Copies files on a server.
- Create-Directory - Ensures that a subdirectory exists in a ProGet Asset Directory.
- Create-File - Creates a file on a server.
- Create-Package - Creates a universal package from the specified directory and publishes to a feed.
- Create-ZipFile - Creates a zip file on a server.
- Delete-Files - Deletes files on a server.
- Download-Asset - Downloads a file from a ProGet Asset Directory.
- Download-Http - Downloads a file from a specified URL using an HTTP GET.
- Ensure-Directory - Ensures the existence of a directory on a server.
- Ensure-File - Ensures the existence of a file on a server.
- Ensure-HostsEntry - Ensures an entry in the hosts file on a server.
- Ensure-Metadata - Ensures that metadata exists on an Asset Directory item.
- Ensure-Package - Ensures that the specified universal package is installed in the specified directory.
- Exec - Executes a process, logs its output, and waits until it exits.
- Execute Python Script - Executes a specified Python script.
- Get-Http - Executes an HTTP GET, DELETE, or HEAD request against a URL, typically used for RESTful operations.
- Install-Package - Installs a universal package to the specified location using a Package Source.
- OSCall - Executes an OtterScript Script stored in a raft.
- OSExec - Executes an OtterScript string.
- Post-Http - Executes an HTTP POST/PUT/PATCH request to a URL, typically used for RESTful operations.
- Push-PackageFile - Uploads a universal package file to a package source.
- PYCall - Calls a Python script that is stored as an asset.
- PYEnsure - Uses a Python script asset to Collect, and then Ensure a configuration about a server.
- Query-Package - Tests whether a universal package exists and optionally extracts its metadata.
- Remediate-Drift - Checks configuration status and if drifted, triggers a remediation job in Otter.
- Rename-File - Renames a file on a server.
- Repackage - Connects to ProGet to repackage an unstable (pre-release) package into a new package with the same contents.
- Replace-Text - Searches a text file for a specified string and replaces it.
- Send-Email - Sends an email message.
- Set-FileAttributes - Sets or clears attributes on matching files.
- Set-Variable - Creates or assigns a configuration variable in Otter.
- SHEnsure - Uses two shell scripts to Collect, and then Ensure a configuration about a server.
- Sleep - Halts the execution of operations for the specified number of seconds.
- Transfer-Files - Copies files from a directory on a source server to a directory on a target server.
- Upload-Assets - Uploads files to a ProGet Asset Directory.
- Upload-Http - Uploads a file to a specified URL using an HTTP POST or PUT.
- Ensure App Pool - Ensures the existence of an application pool on a server.
- Ensure Application - Ensures the existence of an application within an IIS site.
- Ensure Site - Ensures the existence of a site on a server.
- Ensure Site Binding - Ensures the existence of a binding on a site.
- Ensure Virtual Directory - Ensures the existence of a virtual directory within an IIS site.
- Recycle App Pool - Recycles an application pool.
- Start App Pool - Starts an IIS app pool.
- Start Site - Starts an IIS Site.
- Stop App Pool - Stops an IIS app pool.
- Stop Site - Stops an IIS Site.
- Ensure Server - Ensures that a server exists within Otter.
- Restart Server - Restarts a server and waits for it to become available again.
- Collect DSC Modules - Collects the names and versions of DSC modules installed on a server.
- Collect PowerShell Modules - Collects the names and versions of PowerShell modules installed on a server.
- Ensure DSC Resource - Ensures the configuration of a specified PowerShell DSC Resource.
- Ensure PowerShell Module - Ensures that the specified PowerShell module is installed.
- Ensure PowerShell Repository - Ensures that the specified PowerShell Repository is registered.
- PSCall - Calls a PowerShell Script that is stored as an asset.
- PSCall2 - Calls a PowerShell Script that is stored as an asset.
- PSDsc - Ensures the configuration of a specified PowerShell DSC Resource.
- PSEnsure - Calls a PowerShell Ensure Script that is stored as an asset.
- PSEnsure using Scripts - Uses two PowerShell scripts to Collect, and then Ensure a configuration about a server.
- PSEnsure2 - Calls a PowerShell Ensure Script that is stored as an asset.
- PSExec - Executes a specified PowerShell script.
- PSVerify - Uses a PowerShell script to collect configuration about a server.
- PSVerify2 - Uses a PowerShell script to collect configuration about a server.
- Promote Package - Promotes a package from one feed to another in a ProGet instance.
- PYVerify - Uses a Python script to collect configuration about a server.
- Ensure Registry Key - Ensures that a registry key exists or does not exist.
- Ensure Registry Value - Ensures that a registry value exists or does not exist on a specified key.
- Get Registry Value - Reads a value from the Windows registry and stores it in a variable.
- Acquire Server - Acquires a server from a resource pool defined by a server role.
- Release Server - Releases a server from a resource pool if acquired previously in the execution.
- Ensure Service - Ensures the configuration of a Windows service on a server.
- Start Windows Service - Starts an existing Windows service.
- Stop Windows Service - Stops an existing Windows service.
- Execute Shell Script - Executes a specified shell script.
- SHCall - Calls a shell script that is stored as an asset.
- SHEnsure2 - Uses a Shell script to collect, and then Ensure a configuration about a server.
- SHVerify2 - Uses a Shell script to collect configuration about a server.
- Sign Binary - Signs .exe or .dll files using an installed code signing certificate.