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Deploy Build

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The Deploy Build is an endpoint in BuildMaster's Release & Build Deployment API that will deploy a build, with the parameters defined in the body of the request. This endpoint will return a DeploymentInfo object.

Request Specification

POST/PUT /api/releases/builds/deploy

To deploy a build, simply PUT or POST to the URL with an appropriate API Key and a request body, containing the following parameters:

Input Parameter Specification
Build Required. Either a key named buildId with an integer value, or a key named buildNumber with any value.
Release Required if buildNumber is specified, otherwise must not be set. Either a key named releaseId with an integer value, or a key named releaseNumber with any value.
Application Required if releaseNumber is specified, otherwise must not be set. Either a key named applicationId with an integer value, or a key named applicationName with any value.
To Stage Optional. A key named toStage with any value. If not supplied, the next stage in the pipeline will be used.
Force Optional. A key named force with a value of true or false.
Start Time Optional. A key named startTime with a timestamp of when the deployment should start. If not supplied, the deployment will start immediately. If the timestamp does not contain a date, it defaults to today. If a date is specified without a time, it defaults to midnight. If there is no time zone specified, it defaults to the server's local time zone. Available in BuildMaster 6.0.2+
Variables Optional. Any number of parameters with a key name consisting of a valid variable name prefixed with $, and with any value.

Deploying a build requires parameters defined in the request body.

POST /api/releases/builds/deploy

  "buildNumber": "2",
  "releaseNumber": "5",
  "applicationName": "TaxCalculator"

Response Specification

A successful (200) response body will contain a single DeploymentInfo object. For example, deploying a build, with the applicationName of TaxCalculator returns:

    "id": 20,
    "plan": null,
    "status": "pending",
    "started": "2024-03-04T09:31:15.3470000Z",
    "ended": null,
    "createdBy": "API",
    "createdOn": "2024-03-04T09:31:15.3470000Z",
    "pipelineName": "Release",
    "pipelineStageName": "Integration",
    "applicationId": 2,
    "applicationName": "TaxCalculator",
    "releaseId": 4,
    "releaseNumber": "1.0.1",
    "releaseName": "1.0.1",
    "buildId": 6,
    "buildNumber": "2",
    "packageId": 6,
    "packageNumber": "2"
Response Details
200 (Success) a build will be deployed, the body will contain a DeploymentInfo object
400 (Invalid Input) indicates invalid or missing properties in the request; the body will provide some details as text
403 (Unauthorized API Key) indicates a missing, unknown, or unauthorized API Key; the body will be empty