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Localization allows for ProGet to be translated into your local language. Currently ProGet only supports English (en-US), but Japanese (ja-JP) is coming soon. You can also submit new language or modifications to existing language to Inedo to be included in ProGet's official language support. Localization is available starting in ProGet 5.3.9.

Changing Your Language

By default, ProGet will use the server's current culture to select a user's default language. You can change this at any time by going to your user preferences in ProGet and selecting a different language. Simply click the user icon in the upper right corner and select User Preferences from the dropdown menu.

Note: User preferences are currently only available when pre-release features are enabled. Navigate to Administration -> Advanced Settings and enable the Web.PrereleaseFeaturesEnabled option.

Updating Translations

ProGet supports adding a new language or modifying an existing language, allowing you to create a custom language.

To create/modify a language, you must:

  1. Clone a base language
  2. Select that language as your language
  3. Update the translation by one of the following options
  4. Using the language editor
  5. Using Live Dictionary Edit Mode
  6. Exporting and importing the language
  7. When you're happy with your translation, submit the XML file to Inedo

Note: Creating/modifying languages are currently only available when pre-release features are enabled. Navigate to Administration -> Advanced Settings and enable the Web.PrereleaseFeaturesEnabled option._

Note: This feature is limited to users with Administrator permissions.

Cloning a Language

To clone a language, you will need navigate to Administration -> Custom Languages. Find the language you would like to base your translation on and click clone. To use the newly cloned language, you will need to select the language in your User Preferences. Only one custom language per culture can exist and it will also take precedence over a system language with the same culture.

Using the Editor

ProGet includes a language editor to change different pieces of text in ProGet. To use the language editor, navigate to Administration -> Custom Languages and click on the 'edit' link next to language you would to edit.

Note: System languages can not be directly edited. You will first need to clone the language prior to editing it.

Live Dictionary Edit Mode

Live Dictionary Edit Mode allows you to change translations directly in the UI while using ProGet. Text that can be translated will have a pencil icon next to it. When you hover over the text, the text will highlight and an edit link will appear. Click on the edit link to edit that translation.

To enter Live Dictionary Edit Mode, open your User Preferences and enable Live Dictionary Edit Mode.

Note: System languages can not be directly edited. You will first need to clone the language prior to editing it.

Exporting and Importing Languages

You can export a translation as an XML file that can be modified in your editor of choice. You can then re-import that language XML file back into ProGet to update a language.

Export a Language

You can export a language as XML by navigating to Administration -> Custom Languages and clicking the export link to the right.

Import a Language

You can import a language XML by navigating to Administration -> Custom Languages and clicking the import button.

Submit a Translation to Inedo

You can submit a new language or an update of a system languages to Inedo. Follow these steps to submit a language:

  1. Export the language as an XML file.
  2. Submit a support ticket.
  3. Enter the subject as [Add Language] {culture being added} or [Change Language] {culture being changed} based on the modification you are submitting.
  4. Enter a brief message including what you have changed.
  5. Attach the exported language XML.

Upgrades to ProGet and Languages

When you upgrade ProGet, there is a chance that language keys have been removed, added, or updated. It is not recommended to use a custom languages longterm because of this. Keys that were removed from ProGet will be removed from your custom language next time a change is saved in the language editor (this includes updating values in Live Dictionary Edit Mode). ProGet always uses the en-US system language as a base, so any keys missing from your custom language will be pulled from the base language.