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Calls a PowerShell Script that is stored as an asset.

Script usage:

PSCall1 [DefaultArgument] (
	[Arg1: Arg1Value],
	[Arg2: Arg2Value],
	[OutputArgument => $CustomVariable]

This operation may be prefixed with PowerShell::, although this is a built-in namespace and isn't really necessary.

Note: An argument may be explicitly converted to an integral type by prefixing the value with [type::<typeName>], where <typeName> is one of: int, uint, long, ulong, double, decimal. Normally this conversion is performed automatically and this is not necessary.


# execute the hdars.ps1 script, passing Argument1 and Aaaaaarg2 as variables, and capturing the value of the PowerShell variable MyVariableSetInPowerShell to the OtterScript variable $MyVariable
pscall hdars (
  Argument1: hello,
  Aaaaaarg2: World,
  MyVariableSetInPowerShell => $MyVariable