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Formal Grammar

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The following formal grammar defines a valid OtterScript using a BNF-like convention. This guide may be useful for writing syntax highlighters or script validators. See the formal specification to learn how these behave specifically.

<otter_script> ::=
  [<global_variable_declaration>] [..n]
  [<scoped_statement_block>] [..n]
<global_variable_declaration> ::=
  global /variable_expression/ = /literal_expression/;
<scoped_statement_block> ::=
  [<named_module>] [..n]
  [<statement>] [..n]

<statement> ::=
  <action_statement> | <anonymous_block_statement> | <assign_variable_statement> | 
  <await_statement> | <call_module_statement> | <context_iteration_statement> | 
  <error_statement> | <execution_directive_statement> | <fail_statement> | 
  <iteration_block_statement> | <log_statement> | <predicate_statement> | 
  <set_context_statement> | <throw_statement> | <try_statement> | <warn_statement> |

<action_statement> ::=
  [/namespace/::]/operation_name/ [/literal_expression/] ["("
     ( (/param_name/: /literal_expression/) |
       (/param_name/=> /variable_expression/) )
<anonymous_block_statement> ::=
  { <scoped_statement_block> }

<assign_variable_statement> ::=
  set [local | global] ( /variable_expression/ | /indexed_expression/ ) = /literal_expression/;

<await_statement> ::=
  await [/async_token/];

<break_statement> ::=

<call_module_statement> ::=
  call [/raft_name/::]/module_name/ ["("
     ( (/param_name/: /literal_expression/) |
       (/param_name/=> /variable_expression/) )

<context_iteration_statement> ::=
  foreach /context_type/ in /vector_expression/ {  <scoped_statement_block> }

<continue_statement> ::=

<error_statement> ::=

<execution_directive_statement> ::=
  with <execution_directive> [,...n]
  { <scoped_statement_block> }

<execution_directive> ::=
  retry=<integer> |
  timeout=<integer> |
  executionPolicy=(always|onChange) |
  async[=/async_token/] |
  lock[=[!]/lock_token/] |
  isolation |

<fail_statement> ::=

<iteration_block_statement> ::=
  foreach /variable_expression/ in /vector_expression/ {  <scoped_statement_block> }

<log_statement> ::=
  Log-(Debug|Information|Warning|Error) /literal_expression/;

<force_normal_statement> ::=
   force normal;

<predicate_statement> ::=
  if <predicate_expression> { <scoped_statement_block> }
  [ else { <statements> } ]
<return_statement> ::=

<set_context_statement> ::=
  for /context_type/ /literal_expression/ { <scoped_statement_block> }

<throw_statement> ::=
  throw [/literal_expression/];

<try_statement> ::=
  try { <scoped_statement_block> }
  catch { <scoped_statement_block> }

<warn_statement> ::=
  [force] warn;

<named_module> ::=
  module /module_name/ 
     ([out] /module_param_name/[=/param_default/])
  ">"] { <statements> }

Grammar Elements

The grammar refers to the following elements:

Element Details
No more than fifty characters: numbers (0-9), upper- and lower-case letters (a-Z), dashes (-), and underscores (_); must start with a letter, and may not start or end with a dash or underscore
No more than fifty characters: numbers (0-9), upper- and lower-case letters (a-Z); must start with a letter. We are considering changing this to allow variable expansion; see (proposed) IEE-21, and let us know if this would be helpful.
module_param_name A variable type identifier ($, @, or %) immediately followed by any_name
context_type Either server, role, (BuildMaster only) deployable, or directory
param_default An implicit or quoted string
comment See Comments & Descriptions
variable_expression A variable type identifier ($, @, or %) immediately followed by one of:
  • simple name - follows same rules as any_name
  • explicit name - a left curly brace ({), followed by of characters with the same rules as any_name but that also allow spaces, followed by a right curly brace (})
literal_expression a scalar_expression, vector_expression, or map_expression
scalar_expression a string; see Strings and Literals
indexed_expression A variable_expression for a vector (@) or map (%) type, immediately followed one of:
  • left bracket ([), scalar_expression, then right bracket (])
  • dot (.) then scalar_expression
vector_expression one of:
  • a variable_expression for a vector (@) type, or a
  • a @ character followed by left-parens ((), and any number of literal_expression delimeted with commas (,), followed by a right-parens ())
map_expression one of:
  • a variable_expression for a map (%) type, or a
  • a % character followed by left-parens ((), and any number of key-values pairs delimeted with commas (,), followed by a right-parens ()). A key-value pair consists of any_name, followed by a colon (:), followed by a literal_expression

Grammar Conventions

The following conventions are used to describe OtterScript's grammar, and are used in documentation and examples:

Convention Details
<label> ::= The name for a block of syntax. This convention is used to group and label sections of lengthy syntax or a unit of syntax that can be used in more than one location within a statement. Each location of the block of syntax can be used is indicated with the label enclosed in chevrons: <label>.
Text Undercoated text is an OtterScript keyword.
( )(parens) Syntactical grouping for lists and optional items. Do not type the parens.
[,...n] Indicates the preceding item can be repeated n number of times. The occurrences are separated by commas.
[...n] Indicates the preceding item can be repeated n number of times. The occurrences are separated by blanks.
[ ] (brackets) Optional syntax items. Do not type the brackets.
| (vertical bar) Separates syntax items enclosed in brackets or braces. You can use only one of the items.
" " (quotes) Required syntax item, used for parens, brackets, etc. Do not type the quotes.
/ / (slashes) Required grammar element.