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BuildMaster Application Management API

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The Application Management API has Endpoints to help list, create, update, and purge applications, and are intended to automate the setup and management of applications in your BuildMaster instance:


An API Key with the Application Management permission is required to use this API.

It can be passed to each endpoint in one of four ways, depending on the content type of the expected request:

Method Name or Key Details
Request header X-ApiKey all content types
Querystring value key all content types
Form value key only applications/x-www-form-urlencoded content type
JSON property API_Key on root object, only application/json content type

To specify an API Key, use the request header (X-ApiKey), querystring (key), or api:«api-key» as the user name. See API Access and API Key to learn more.

Data Specifications

ApplicationInfo Object

ApplicationInfo is a set of key/value pairs that correspond to the fields on the Application > Basic Settings and Advanced Settings pages. It's used as both input and output data for various endpoints:

  • Output: The Create, Update, and List Application Endpoints return ApplicationInfo as a JSON-formatted object; all values are returned

  • Input: The Create, and Update Application Endpoints receive ApplicationInfo as either a JSON-formatted object, querystring parameter, or form-encoded data; a missing property indicates that the value should not be updated

Note that some values are optional (indicated by string?), and may be set to null or an empty string.

Property Format Notes
id int Internal ID of application
name string Must be unique across the system
description string?
groupName string? null to be ungrouped
active bool false indicates a deactivated application
setupTemplate string? Name of the Setup template to use or null to not use one
buildNumberScheme string Sequential, DateTimeBased, or Unique
releaseUsage string Required, Optional, or Disabled
defaultReleaseTemplate string? Name of the or null to use the Default template
allowIssues bool
displayIssues bool
displayPipelines bool
displayScripts bool
displayConfiguration bool
displayDatabase bool
buildPageDescription string?
artifactUsage string Default, None, FileSystem, or AssetDirectory
artifactAssetDirectory string? When artifactUsage is AssetDirectory, this field must be the name of an Asset Directory secure resource; otherwise null
raft string? Name of a raft or null to use the Default raft

JSON Object:

  "id": 123,
  "name": "myApplication",
  "description": "This is a sample application.",
  "groupName": myGroup,
  "active": true,
  "setupTemplate": "BasicSetup",
  "buildNumberScheme": "Sequential",
  "releaseUsage": "Required",
  "defaultReleaseTemplate": null,
  "allowIssues": true,
  "displayIssues": true,
  "displayPipelines": true,
  "displayScripts": true,
  "displayConfiguration": true,
  "displayDatabase": true,
  "buildPageDescription": "This page provides information about the build.",
  "artifactUsage": "FileSystem",
  "artifactAssetDirectory": null,
  "raft": "MainRaft"

CloneApplication Object

CloneApplication is a set of key/value pairs that provide direction on creating a new application. It's used as input for the Clone Application Endpoint.

This will behave the same as cloning that application from the UI.

Property Format Notes
name string The name of the new application to create
from string The name or id of an application to clone
raft string? Name of a raft or null to use the Default raft

JSON Object

  "name": "NewApplication",
  "from": "ExistingApplication",
  "raft": "CustomRaft"

ImportApplication Object

ImportApplication is a set of key/value pairs that provide direction on creating a new application. It's used as input for the Import Application Endpoint.

Depending on the value of the properties, this behaves like creating an application from a template, reapplying a template, creating a sample application, or restoring an application from a backup.

Property Format Notes
name string The name of the new application to create
packageSource string The name of a Universal Feed secure resource
packageId string The id of the package to import (not the name)
packageVersion string The version of the package to import or latest for the latest version
importHistory bool When set to true, historical data in the package like Build and Executes will be imported
overwrite bool When set to false, if an application with the specified name already exists, an error will occur; otherwise, any items in the Package will overwrite the configuration
raft string? Name of a raft or null to use the "Default" raft

JSON Object:

  "name": "NewApplication",
  "packageSource": "MyUniversalFeed",
  "packageId": "com.example.myapp",
  "packageVersion": "1.0.0",
  "importHistory": true,
  "overwrite": false,
  "raft": null