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Welcome to Inedo Docs!

Inedo Docs is the documentation portal for our software products (ProGet, BuildMaster, and Otter), related tools, and our MyInedo user portal.

Upgrading to ProGet 2024

ProGet 2024 is a major update, and this article provides information about what will change, the impact to your instance, and how to mitigate risk during upgrade.

Upgrading to BuildMaster 2023

BuildMaster 2023 is a major update, and this article provides information about what will change, the impact to your instance, and how to mitigate risk during upgrade.

Upgrading to Otter 2023

Otter 2023 is a major upgrade, and this article provides information about what changed, the impact to your instance, and how to mitigate risk during upgrade.

Getting Started with pgutil

pgutil is an open-source (, cross-platform command line tool that provides a variety of commands to upload/download packages, manage feeds, audit package compliance, assess vulnerabilities, etc.

LDAP/AD Integration

Inedo products come with built-in users and groups, but it can also integrate with an external directory service like Active Directory and other LDAP-based services. This allows you to use the organization's existing users, logins, and groups to secure the product and define the tasks users are permitted to do.

SAML Authentication

SAML-based single sign-on is an authentication mechanism that uses a third-party identity provider to verify the identity of user, and relay user metadata back into the Inedo product, effectively replacing the Inedo product login page, with that of the identity provider's, or removes it altogether if a user is already signed-in to the identity provider.

High Availability & Load Balancing

The distributed architecture of ProGet, BuildMaster, and Otter allows you to configure an instance over any number of servers for both load-balancing and failover purposes. By doing so, any single server can take over the cluster in the event of server failure and outage. This can improve your Inedo product's performance in high-traffic environments.

Backing up & Restoring

Your Inedo products should be backed up frequently.