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HOWTO: Verify & Configure Local Windows Admins Accounts

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This article offers step-by-step guidance on how to define a desired configuration with OtterScript that will verify that a user exists, is a local administrator, has the correct password, and, optionally, if the user should be enabled or disabled.

If the user doesn't exist, then Otter will report this as "configuration drift" and give you the option to automatically remediate configuration drift by ensuring a user exists in that desired state.

Create Secure Credentials

Otter uses Secure Credentials to store accounts, logins, and access keys that contain secrets. Because a local administrator account has a password, we will use these to store the desired password, and it will only be visible only to privileged users in Otter.

  1. Navigate to Administration > Secure Credentials
  2. Create a new UserName and Password credential
  3. Enter the name of the administrator account and password you'd like to create
  4. Repeat for as many accounts as you'd like to create

Create "EnsureLocalAdmin" Script

Otter uses Scripts to store PowerShell scripts. When you're using your own scripts, you may need to modify them to detect & remediate drift; however the script below will work as is.

  1. Navigate to Scripts and create a new PowerShell script named EnsureLocalAdmin
  2. Click on EnsureLocalAdmin to edit it
  3. Copy/paste the contents of the EnsureLocalAdmin PowerShell script from below
  4. Save the Script

Create "LocalAdmins" Server Role

Otter uses server roles to define desired configuration states using OtterScript.

  1. Navigate to Roles and create a new role named LocalAdmins
  2. Navigate to the Desired Configuration tab of the new Role
  3. Click create to the right of Configuration Plan
  4. Add the EnsureLocalAdmin powershell script operation to your OtterScript plan.
    1. Select Collect & Remediate configuration (PSEnsure) for the Script execution mode option if you'd like Otter to remediate, or Verify configuration (PSVerify)if you'd only like to report drift
    2. For the User option, enter $PSCredential(«YOUR_SECURE_CREDENTIAL_NAME»)
    3. Enter false only if you want the account disabled

Next, assign the LocalAdmins server role to your servers and check for drift! You can also remediate the drift if you configured to do so.

Example OtterScript Desired Configuration

This is only an example, and your desired configuration will look different.

PSEnsure EnsureLocalAdmin
  User: $PSCredential(bobAdminAccount)
PSEnsure EnsureLocalAdmin
  User: $PSCredential(jimAdminAccount)
PSEnsure EnsureLocalAdmin
  User: $PSCredential(defaultAdminAccount),
  Enabled: false

EnsureLocalAdmin PowerShell Script

You can copy/paste this script directly, or modify it as needed.

Ensures the specified account exists in the Administrators group

PSCredential with the username/password

Local Admins



param ([System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]$User, [bool]$Enabled = $true)

if ($Enabled -eq $true)
    $Username = $User.UserName
    $Username = $User.UserName + " (disabled)"

if ($ExecutionMode -eq "Collect") {
    $currentUser = Get-LocalUser -Name $User.UserName -ErrorAction Ignore

    if($currentUser -eq $null)
        if($Enabled -eq $true)
            Write-Information "User does not exist." -InformationAction Continue
            return $false
        else {
            Write-Information "User does not exist." -InformationAction Continue
            return $true
    else {
        if($Enabled -eq $false){
            if( $currentUser.Enabled -eq $Enabled){
                Write-Information "User exists, but disabled." -InformationAction Continue
                return $true
            else {
                Write-Information "User exists and enabled." -InformationAction Continue
                return $false

        if($currentUser.Enabled -ne $Enabled)
            return $false;

        $userInAdmin = Get-LocalGroupMember -Name "Administrators" -Member $User.UserName  -ErrorAction Ignore
         if($userInAdmin -eq $null)
            Write-Information "User is not an administrator." -InformationAction Continue
            return $false
        else {
            Write-Information "User is an administrator." -InformationAction Continue
        Add-Type -assemblyname system.DirectoryServices.accountmanagement 
        $DS = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.PrincipalContext([System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.ContextType]::Machine)
        if($DS.ValidateCredentials($user.UserName, $User.GetNetworkCredential().password) )
            Write-Information "User credentials are valid." -InformationAction Continue
            return $true
        else {
            Write-Information "User credentials are not valid." -InformationAction Continue
            return $false
elseif ($ExecutionMode -eq "Configure") { 
    $currentUser = Get-LocalUser -Name $User.UserName -ErrorAction Ignore

    if($currentUser -eq $null) {
        if($Enabled -eq $true){
            Write-Information "Adding new user." -InformationAction Continue
            New-LocalUser -Name $User.UserName -Password $User.Password -PasswordNeverExpires
            Add-LocalGroupMember -Name "Administrators" -Member $User.UserName
        if($Enabled -eq $false -and $currentUser.Enabled -eq $true)
           Write-Information "Disabling user." -InformationAction Continue
            Disable-LocalUser -Name $User.UserName
        elseif($Enabled -eq $true -and $currentUser.Enabled -eq $false)
           Write-Information "Enabling user." -InformationAction Continue
           Enable-LocalUser -Name $User.UserName
        if($Enabled -eq $true)
            $userInAdmin = Get-LocalGroupMember -Name "Administrators" -Member $User.UserName  -ErrorAction Ignore
            if($userInAdmin -eq $null)
                Write-Information "Adding user to group." -InformationAction Continue
                Add-LocalGroupMember -Name "Administrators" -Member $User.UserName

            Add-Type -assemblyname system.DirectoryServices.accountmanagement 
            $DS = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.PrincipalContext([System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement.ContextType]::Machine)
            if($DS.ValidateCredentials($user.UserName, $User.GetNetworkCredential().password) -eq $false)
                Write-Information "Updating user password." -InformationAction Continue
                Set-LocalUser -Name $User.UserName -Password $User.Password -PasswordNeverExpires $true
else {
    Write-Information "Unknown operation." -InformationAction Continue