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Export Asset Folder

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Export Asset Folder is available as both a pgutil command and an HTTP Request, and will export the contents of the specified folder as either a ZIP or a TGZ archive.

Command Specification (CLI)

The assets folder export command is used to export the contents of the specified folder as either a ZIP or a TGZ archive.

The --file and --path options are always required. The --feed option is required if there is no default feed configured.

Exporting a folder requires the asset directory (e.g. MyAssetDirectory), the folder to be exported (e.g. MyFolder) and the output archive file (e.g. C:\Inedo\

pgutil assets folder export --file=C:\Inedo\ --feed=myAssetDirectory --path=MyFolder
  • The option --overwrite can be used to overwrite the output archive file if it already exists

HTTP Request Specification

To export an asset directory or folder, simply GET to the URL with the AssetDirectoryName, path to the folder and the format.

GET /endpoints/«AssetDirectoryName»/export/«path_to_folder»?format=«zip/tgz»&recursive=«true/false»

The format argument may be either zip (for a zip file) or tgz (for a GZipped tar file). When recursive is false or not specified, only items contained directly in the specified path are included. When recursive is true, the archive will contain all subfolders as well.

HTTP Response Specification

A successful (200) response body will return download details and the contents of the asset directory or folder as either zip or tgz.

Response Details
200 (Success) the body will return download details, the contents of the folder is returned as either zip or tgz
400 (Invalid Format) indicates that the format is invalid
401 (Authentication Required) indicates a missing, unknown, or unauthorized API Key
404 (Directory not Found) indicates that the directory does not exist