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Create Asset Folder

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Create Asset Folder is available as both a pgutil command and an HTTP Request, and will create a folder at the specified path.

Command Specification (CLI)

The assets folder create command is used to create a folder in the asset directory.

The --path option is always required. The --feed option is required if there is no default feed configured.

Creating a folder requires the asset directory (e.g. MyAssetDirectory) and new folder name (e.g. new-folder):

pgutil assets folder create --feed=myAssetDirectory --path=new-folder

HTTP Request Specification

To create a folder simply POST to the URL with the AssetDirectoryName and path to the folder.

POST /endpoints/«AssetDirectoryName»/dir/«path_to_folder»

HTTP Response Specification

Response Details
201 (Success) the folder is created
401 (Authentication Required) indicates a missing, unknown, or unauthorized API Key