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Manual Installation Troubleshooting Guide

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There are a lot of moving pieces involved in a manual installation (particularly ones that the installer would have handled for you). Here are the most common manual installation errors as we have noted from our various support channels.

Cannot connect to the database

Perhaps the most common problem is that the SQL Server database is inaccessible. Check the following:

  • if the connection string uses integrated authentication, the user account connecting (i.e. the application pool identity or Windows Service logon user) have a database login, an associated database user, and that user is granted the «Inedo-product»User_Role
  • the user account is a domain account or SQL account when accessing a database over the network (i.e. don't use NETWORK SERVICE and connect to a remote database)
  • the connection string exists in the Inedo Product configuration file and is valid (i.e. has the correct server name, database name, and includes the instance name e.g. SQLEXPRESS)
  • the user specified in the connection string has a database login, an associated database user, and that user is granted the «Inedo-product»User_Role

Windows Service will not start

Typically when the Inedo product Windows Service does not start, it is database connection-related. Any errors logged by the Inedo product Service can be found in the Windows Event Log under Windows Logs > Application.

Alternatively, you can run the service interactively (i.e. in a command window) to view live log output. Simply ensure the INEDO«INEDO-PRODUCT»SVC service is stopped, then run the following command as an administrator:


PS C:\Program Files\BuildMaster\Service> .\BuildMaster.Service.exe run --mode=serviceonly


PS C:\Program Files\ProGet\Service> .\ProGet.Service.exe run --mode=serviceonly


PS C:\Program Files\Otter\Service> .\Otter.Service.exe run --mode=serviceonly

If there is a difference in behavior when run interactively vs. running the service, there may be a problem with the user account that the Inedo product service is running as.

Can't control the service from within your Inedo product

Visit the Service Messenger documentation for enabling inter-process communication between the Inedo product Website and Inedo product Service.

Extensions failing to load

Extensions failing to load is commonly caused by:

  • missing/invalid extensions path setting (check Administration > Advanced Settings)
  • the service not being restarted after the extension path is changed
  • the user account the application pool identity and Windows Service logon user has read/write/modify access to the extensions folder (Extensions.ExtensionsPath) and the common cache path (Extensions.CommonCachePath)

Load errors for extensions are logged in the Diagnostic Center (check Administration).

Additional help & support

Inedo offers several support mechanisms if you have any other questions regarding a manual installation: