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Download Universal Package File

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Download Universal Package File is an endpoint in ProGet's Universal Feed API that will download a specific file within a package, so that you don't need to download the entire package.

Parameter Description

Parameter Details
group-name Optional. If not specified, the empty group will be searched.
package-name Required.
package-version Optional.
path Required. Relative path to the file within the package. Note, package contents are contained within the "package" directory of the package, so most request paths should start with "package" unless files in the package root are desired, such as the upack.json file. If the file is not found within the package, a 404 is returned.

Request Specification

To download a file from a specific package version, simply GET to the URL with a feed name, group name, package name, package version and file path:

GET /upack/«feed-name»/download-file/«group-name»/«package-name»/«package-version»?path=«path»

To download a file from the latest package version, simply GET to the URL with a feed name, group name, package name, and file path:

GET /upack/«feed-name»/download-file/«group-name»/«package-name»?latest&path=«path»

Downloading a file within a specific version of a universal package requires the feed (e.g. myUniversalFeed), group name (e.g. myGroup), package name (e.g. myUniversalPackage), version (e.g. 1.0.0) and path of the file (e.g.package/mycontent.bin):

GET /upack/myUniversalFeed/download-file/MyGroup/myUniversalPackage/1.0.0?path=package/mycontent.bin

Downloading a file within the latest version of a universal package requires the feed (e.g. myUniversalFeed), group name (e.g. myGroup), package name (e.g. myUniversalPackage), and path of the file (e.g.package/mycontent.bin):

GET /upack/myUniversalFeed/download-file/MyGroup/myUniversalPackage?latest&path=package/mycontent.bin

Response Specification

Response Details
200 (Success) will successfully download the file
400 (Package Version not Found) returned if package-version is not specified, and latest is not specified in the URL
403 (Unauthorized API Key) indicates a missing, unknown, or unauthorized API Key
404 (Package/File Not Found) indicates the specified package or file does not exist