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List Feed Storage Types

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List Feed Storage Types is available as both a pgutil command and an HTTP Request, and will return an array of FeedStorageType objects, describing all feed storage types.

Command Specification (CLI)

The feeds storage types command is used to list all feed storage types.

Listing all feed storage types does not require any additional options:

pgutil feeds storage types

Example output:

Type: disk
Storage path on the local file system or network share.
    Local file system path or network share.
    Default: managed by ProGet

Type: s3
Stores packages and assets in an Amazon S3 bucket.
  --RegionEndpoint=<value> *REQUIRED*
    Default: none (use bucket root)
    Must be true or false (defaults to false).
    Must be true or false (defaults to false).
    This overrides the access key and secret key; only available on EC2 instances or ECS Tasks.
    When using an IAM Role, this indicates if the role is an instance profile.
    Must be true or false (defaults to false).
    Specifying a custom service URL will override the region endpoint.

Type: azure
A file system backed by Microsoft Azure Blob Storage.
  --ConnectionString=<value> *REQUIRED*
    A Microsoft Azure connection string, like
  --ContainerName=<value> *REQUIRED*
    The name of the Azure Blob Container that will receive the uploaded files.
    The path in the specified Azure Blob Container that will received the uploaded files; the default is the root.

HTTP Request Specification

To list all feed storage types, simply GET to the URL with an appropriate API Key.

GET /api/storage

HTTP Response Specification

A successful (200) response body will contain an array of FeedStorageType objects. For example:

GET /api/storage

    "id": "azure",
    "name": "Microsoft Azure",
    "description": "A file system backed by Microsoft Azure Blob Storage.",
    "properties": {
        "ConnectionString": {
        "required": true,
        "name": "Connection string",
        "description": "A Microsoft Azure connection string"
        "ContainerName": {
        "required": true,
        "name": "Container",
        "description": "The name of the Azure Blob Container"
        "TargetPath": {
        "name": "Target path",
        "description": "The path in the specified Azure Blob Container"
    { ... } // remaining feed storage options
Response Details
200 (Success) body will contain an array of FeedStorageType objects
403 (Unauthorized API Key) indicates a missing, unknown, or unauthorized API Key; the body will be empty