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List Comments

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List Comments is available as both a pgutil command and an HTTP Request, and will return an array of CommentInfo Object objects describing all comments in a project release.

Note, that if there are no comments in a release, an empty array is returned.

Command Specification (CLI)

The builds comments list command is used to list comments in a project's build.

The --project and --build options are always required.

Listing comments requires the project (e.g. myProject) and the build version number (e.g. 1.2.3):

pgutil builds comments list --project=myProject --build=1.2.3

Example output:

#1 - This is a comment
#3 - This is another comment

HTTP Request Specification

To list all comments of a release, simply GET to the URL with an appropriate API Key.

GET /api/sca/comments?project=«projectName»&version=«releaseVersion»

HTTP Response Specification

A successful (200) response body will contain an array of BuildComment Object objects. For example, to listing all comments in release version 1.2.3 of a project myProject, the request would return this:

GET /api/sca/comments?project=myProject&version=1.2.3

    "comment":"I am a new comment."
    "comment":"I am a newer comment."
    "comment":"I am the newest comment."},
Response Details
200 (Success) body will contain an array of BuildComment objects
400 (Invalid Input) indicates invalid or missing properties
403 (Unauthorized API Key) indicates a missing, unknown, or unauthorized API Key; the body will be empty
404 (Project or Build Not Found) indicates that the specified project or build does not exist
500 (Server Error) indicates an unexpected error; the body will contain the message and stack trace, and this will also be logged