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Assess Vulnerabilities

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Assess Vulnerabilities is available as both a pgutil command and an HTTP Request, and will assess a vulnerability according to the specified query arguments.

Command Specification (CLI)

The vulns assess command is used to assess a vulnerability.

The --id, and --type options are always required.

Assessing a vulnerability requires the vulnerability id (e.g. PGV-1234567) and assessment type (e.g. blocked):

pgutil vulns assess --id=PGV-1234567  --type=blocked  --comment="Package non-compliant" --policy=myPolicy

HTTP Request Specification

To assess a vulnerability, simply POST to the URL with a vulnerability id, assessment type, comment and policy parameters, and an appropriate API Key.

POST api/sca/assess[?id=«vulnerability-id»][&type=«assessment-type»][&comment=«comment»][&policy=«policy-name»]

Note that the comment and policy parameters are optional.

HTTP Response Specification

Response Details
200 (Success) the vulnerability was assessed
400 (Invalid Input) indicates invalid or missing properties in the request; the body will provide some details as text
403 (Unauthorized API Key) indicates a missing, unknown, or unauthorized API Key; the body will be empty