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Getting Started with HTTP Endpoints

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Although we recommend using pgutil for programmatic access to ProGet, you can also use the HTTP Endpoints that pgutil uses for your own scripts and programs. This may be particularly helpful if you need to work with structured data or wish to create a more advanced integration.

Authenticating to HTTP Endpoints

Before using an HTTP endpoint, you should first Create an API Key with the appropriate permissions.

The best way to authenticate with an API Key is to specify it in the X-ApiKey HTTP header. For example:

curl --header "X-ApiKey: 70f875c2593ef93d0b21400d5f94ea1d8ed519d0" https://proget.corp.local/api/promotions/list?package=Newtonsoft.Json&version=13.0.2

However, this is not the only way to use an API Key. An API key may be passed to any endpoint in one of four ways, depending on the content type of the expected request:

Method Name or Key Details
Request header X-ApiKey all content types
Querystring value key all content types
Form value key only applications/x-www-form-urlencoded content type
JSON property API_Key on root object, only application/json content type

Note that Feed Endpoints do not use this convention.

Feed Endpoints

ProGet implements a number of third-party APIs called feed endpoints. These are used by third-party tools like Visual Studio, pip, npm, docker, etc., and their URL is listed on the feed page.

Because we did not design the Feed Endpoint APIs, we do not provide documentation on how to interact with them. If you need to use these endpoints, you can usually find the basics by searching for specific things you want to do with the API, such as "how to search for packages using the NuGet API" or "how to publish an npm package using the API".

Feature Requests for new HTTP Endpoints

Prior to creating the pgutil command-line tool, we created HTTP Endpoints based around a particular feature (such as feed configuration or asset management) that users would want to automate using a script or program. Many of the endpoints were developed in collaboration with users.

Starting in ProGet 2024, we are aligning our HTTP Endpoints and developing new ones using a pgutil-first approach. This means we will prioritize the CLI experience by creating intuitive and self-documenting commands. Then we will use existing HTTP Endpoints and develop new ones to fit those commands.

We're still very open to developing and enhancing our HTTP endpoints, and working closely with users to do that. You're welcome to simply post a request to the Inedo Forums, but may also be able to show us exactly how you'd like an HTTP Endpoint to work by prototyping something in the open-source pgutil.

Native API Endpoints

The Native API is a wrapper for some of the stored procedures in the SQL Server database. These methods are used extensively by ProGet itself and are subject to change between releases (even in maintenance releases).

We do not document changes to these methods nor do we provide details on how to use them. Instead, you can see a listing and some basic, auto-generated guidance by navigating to Administration > Reference > API Methods, or directly visiting http://your-proget-installation/reference/api in your installation.

All of these methods require that an API Key with Native API Access is passed into each request; see Using API Keys for more information.


Content-Type: application/json

"Feed_Name" : "MyNewNuGetFeed",
"FeedType_Name" : "nuget",
"API_Key" : "«api-key»"

You can also use querystrings with the JSON-based API. To delete a license and all associated rules, we need to perform two requests:

GET or POST /api/json/Licenses_GetLicenses?key=«api-key»

The first request gives us a JSON array containing JSON objects with properties of licenses in ProGet. Each license is uniquely identified with a License_Id, which we will feed into the next request:

POST /api/json/Licenses_DeleteLicense?key=«api-key»&License_Id=«application-id»

The response contains no data, as it's just a delete, and the built-in reference documentation indicates no return.

Invoking Stored Procedures Directly

Those familiar with SQL Server and database coding may find it simpler to invoke the stored procedures directly instead of going through the Native API. This is particularly useful for one-off scripts and it can be used in conjunction with SELECT statements against other tables in the database.

For example:


SELECT @License_Id = [License_Id] FROM [Licenses] WHERE [External_Id] = '«MIT, etc.»'

EXEC [Licenses_DeleteLicense] @License_Id = @License_Id

Just make sure to stick to the methods listed under /reference/api. There are many other stored procedures in the ProGet database that are not intended for execution by anything except the ProGet software. Note we also do not recommend or support other modifications except when explicitly documented (like purging download records).