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Import SBOM

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Import SBOM is available as an HTTP Request, and will import an existing SBOM document into ProGet and create corresponding project and release information from it.

HTTP Request Specification

To import an SBOM document, simply POST to the URL with an appropriate API Key.

POST /api/sca/import

Note that the Content-Type header should either be text/xml (XML) or application/json (JSON) depending on the import format.

Importing an SBOM requires the project name (e.g. myProject), the version (e.g. 1.2.3), and either an XML or JSON as the body (e.g. sbom.xml):

POST /api/sca/import

«contents of sbom.xml»

HTTP Response Specification

Response Details
200 (Success) indicates the SBOM import was successful
400 (Invalid Input) indicates the submitted SBOM document was not valid
403 (Unauthorized API Key) indicates a missing, unknown, or unauthorized API Key; the body will be empty
500 (Server Error) indicates an unexpected error; the body will contain the message and stack trace, and this will also be logged