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Update Connector

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Update Connector is available as both a pgutil command and an HTTP Request, and will update a specified connector using the Connector object properties defined in the request body. This endpoint supports partial updating by only updating the properties that are supplied in the request.

Command Specification (CLI)

The connectors properties set command is used to updates properties of a single connector.

The --property and --value options are always required. The --feed option is required if there is no default feed configured. The following properties can be set with this command:

Property Description
timeout The timeout (in seconds) used when making a request to the connector URL
metadataCacheEnabled Indicates whether metadata caching is enabled (true) or disabled (false)
metadataCacheCount The number of URL-specific metadata requests cached by ProGet
metadataCacheMinutes The number of minutes a connector metadata request to a specific URL is cached by ProGet

Enabling a connector's Metadata Caching requires the connector name (e.g., the property to be updated (e.g. metadataCacheEnabled), and the value to update this with (e.g. true):

pgutil connectors properties set --property=metadataCacheEnabled --value=true

Updating a connector's timeout requires the connector name (e.g., the property to be updated (e.g. timeout), and the timeout duration in seconds (e.g. 30):

pgutil connectors properties set --property=timeout --value=30

Updating Filters

The connectors filters command is used to updates filters of a single connector.

There are three commands available (add, list, and remove), and each command has options that correspond to fields in the web UI.

The --connector option is required for all commands. The --filter option is required for the add and remove commands.

Adding a filter to block requires the connector name (e.g. and the filter (e.g. !Jquery):

pgutil connectors filters add --filter=!JQuery

Adding a filter to allow requires the connector name (e.g. and the filter (e.g. Microsoft.*):

pgutil connectors filters add --filter=Microsoft.*

Listing all filters requires the connector name (e.g.

pgutil connectors filters list

Example output:


Removing a filter requires the connector name (e.g., and the filter to remove (e.g. !simplejson):

pgutil connectors filters remove --filter=!simplejson

HTTP Request Specification

To update a connector, simply POST to the URL with the connector name, an appropriate API Key and a Connector object as the request body.

POST /api/management/connectors/update/«connector-name»

HTTP Response Specification

A successful (200) response body will contain an updated Connector object. For example, when updating the timeout on a NuGet connector myNugetConnector, this returns:

  "name": "MyNugetConnector",
  "url": "http://proget.corp.local",
  "feedType": "nuget",
  "timeout": 30,
  "metadataCacheEnabled": false,
  "metadataCacheMinutes": null,
  "metadataCacheCount": null,
  "filters": []
Response Details
200 (Success) response body contains an updated Connector object
400 (Invalid Input) indicates invalid or missing properties in the request; the body will provide some details as text
403 (Unauthorized API Key) indicates a missing, unknown, or unauthorized API Key; the body will be empty
404 (Connector Not Found) indicates that the specified connector does not exist

Sample Usage Scripts

Add a filter to a connector (Powershell)

This script will add a filter !beta, to a connector If the specified filter already exists, no changes will be made.

Note the ! pre-fix indicates that it will be added with a "Block" behavior.

This script can be edited to work with other Connector object properties that are array types.

$baseUrl = "https://proget.corp.local"
$apiKey = "a1b2c3d4e5"
$connectorName = ""
$key = "filters"
$newFeedValue = "!beta"

function Get-FeedInfo {
    param ([string]$connectorName)
    $url = "$baseUrl/api/management/connectors/get/$($connectorName)"
    $headers = @{"X-ApiKey" = $apiKey}
    $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Headers $headers -Method Get
    return $response

function Update-FeedInfo {
    param ([string]$connectorName, [string]$newValue)
    $url = "$baseUrl/api/management/connectors/update/$($connectorName)"
    $headers = @{"X-ApiKey" = $apiKey}
    $currentFeedInfo = Get-FeedInfo -connectorName $connectorName
    $keyToChange = $currentFeedInfo.$key

    if ($keyToChange -notcontains $newValue) {
        $keyToChange += $newValue
        $body = @{$key = $keyToChange}
        $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $url -Headers $headers -Method Post -Body ($body | ConvertTo-Json) -ContentType "application/json"
        Write-Host "'$($newFeedValue)' added successfully to $($key)"
    } else {
        Write-Host "No changes needed. Value '$($newValue)' already exists in $($key)."

Update-FeedInfo -connectorName $connectorName -newValue $newFeedValue

Delete a filter from a connector (Powershell)

This script will delete a filter alpha, from a feed nuget-unapproved. If the specified filter does not exist, no changes will be made.

This script can be edited to work with other Connector object properties that are array types.

$baseUrl = "https://proget.corp.local"
$connectorName = ""
$apiKey = "a1b2c3d4e5"
$key = "filters"
$valueToDelete = "alpha"

$feedUrl = "$baseUrl/api/management/connectors/get/$connectorName"
$feedDetails = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $feedUrl -Headers @{ "X-ApiKey" = $apiKey }

if ($feedDetails.$key -contains $valueToDelete) {
    $feedDetails.$key = $feedDetails.$key -ne $valueToDelete
    $updateData = @{$key = $feedDetails.$key}
    $updateUrl = "$baseUrl/api/management/connectors/update/$connectorName"
    Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $updateUrl -Headers @{ "X-ApiKey" = $apiKey; "Content-Type" = "application/json" } -Method Post -Body ($updateData | ConvertTo-Json)

    Write-Host "Value '$valueToDelete' deleted from $key."
} else {
    Write-Host "Value '$valueToDelete' not found in $key. No changes made."