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SCA (Builds & Projects) Repository API

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The Software Composition Analysis (SCA) Repository API has to query, create, and update projects, builds, and related components on a ProGet instance.
All http requests are made through the following base URL:

🏗 Builds

Create/Update Build - Creates or updates a build
Get Build - Describes a specified build
List Build - Lists and describes specified build
Analyze Build - Runs an analysis on a specified build
Promote Build - Promotes a build to a specified stage
Scan Build - Generates a minimal SBOM from project dependencies*

* Only available as a pgutil command.

🛠️ Projects

Create/Update Project - Creates or updates a project
Get Project - Describes a specified project*
List Projects - Lists and describes specified projects

* Only available as an HTTP request.

🚩 Issues

List Issues - Lists and describes specified issues
Delete Issues - Deletes a specified issue
Resolve Issue - Sets a specified issue to resolved

💬 Comments

Create/Update Comment - Creates or updates a comment
List Comments - Lists and describes specified comments
Delete Comment - Deletes a specified comment

📄 SBOM Document

For managing "Software Bill of Material" (SBOM) documents

Export SBOM - Exports a SBOM document from ProGet
Import SBOM - Imports a SBOM document to ProGet*

* Only available as an HTTP request.

Authenticating to SCA Repository API

The following is a summary of access types and their corresponding requirements for various API key types and endpoints within this API.

Access Type Requirements
System API Keys Manage Builds & Projects and/or Upload SBOM documents
Feed API Keys not usable
Personal API Key associated user must have one of:
No API Key anonymous or authenticated user must have at one of the above permissions

To specify an API Key, use the request header (X-ApiKey), querystring (key), or api:«api-key» as the username. See API Key Usage to learn more.

Data Specifications

ProjectInfo Object Properties

ProjectInfo is a JSON object (see ProjectInfo) that correspond to the fields on a Project. It's used as both input and output data for Create/Update Project and output data for List Projects.

Note that some values are optional (indicated by string?), and may be set to null or an empty string.

Example JSON Object

    "id": 2,
    "name": "myProject",
    "url": "proget.corp.local"
    "id": 1,
    "name": "myApplication",
    "type": "Application"

BuildInfo Object Properties

BuildInfo is a JSON object (see BuildInfo) that corresponds to the fields on a build. It's used as both input and output data for Create/Update Build, and output data for Get Build and List Builds

Note that some values are optional (indicated by string?), and may be set to null or an empty string.

Example JSON Object

    "comments": [ ], // Refer to BuildComment object
    "packages": [ ] // Refer to BuildPackage object

BuildPackage Properties

BuildPackage is a JSON object (see BuildPackage) used as a parameter on a BuildInfo object. It corresponds to the fields on a Package and is used as both input and output data for Create/Update Build, and output data for Get Build and List Builds

Example JSON Object

      "purl": "pkg:nuget/Newtonsoft.Json@12.0.3",
      "licenses": [ "MIT" ],
      "compliance": { }, // Refer to BuildPackageComplianceInfo object
      "vulnerabilities": [ ] // Refer to BuildPackageVulnerability object
    { ... }

BuildPackageVulnerability Properties

BuildPackageVulnerability is a JSON object (see BuildPackageVulnerability) used as a parameter on a BuildPackage object. It corresponds to the fields on a Package Vulnerability and is used as both input and output data for Create/Update Build, and output data for Get Build and List Builds

Example JSON Object

      "id": "PGV-2245804",
      "title": "Improper Handling of Exceptional Conditions in Newtonsoft.Json",
      "description": "Description of the vulnerability in markdown",
      "score": 7.5,
      "assessment": "Blocked"
    { ... }

BuildPackageComplianceInfo Properties

BuildPackageComplianceInfo is a JSON object (see BuildPackageComplianceInfo) used as a parameter on a BuildPackage object. It corresponds to the fields on a Package's compliance information and is used as both input and output data for Create/Update Build, and output data for Get Build and List Builds

Example JSON Object

    "result": "Noncompliant",
    "detail": " because of Vulnerability (PGV-2245804).",
    "date": "2024-07-11T08:53:41.827Z"

IssueInfo Properties

IssueInfo is a set of key/value pairs that correspond to the fields on an Issue. It's used as output data for List Issues, returning IssueInfo as a JSON-formatted object.

Note that some values are optional (indicated by string?), and may be set to null or an empty string.

Example JSON Object

    "project": "myProject",
    "version": "1.2.3",
    "number": 123,
    "created": "2024-01-23T12:00:00Z",
    "type": "V",
    "purl": "pkg:myGroup/myPackage@v1.2.3",
    "vulnerability": "12345"

BuildComment Object Properties

BuildComment is a JSON object (see BuildComment) that corresponds to the fields on a Comment. It's used as both input and output for Create/Update Comment, and output for List Comments.

Note that some values are optional (indicated by string?), and may be set to null or an empty string.

Example JSON Object

    "comment":"I am a new comment."