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Delete Package

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Delete Package is available as both a pgutil command and an HTTP Request, and will delete a single package from the specified feed.

This API requires ProGet 2023.0 or later.

Command Specification (CLI)

The packages delete command is used to delete a package from a feed.

The --package and --version options are always required. The --feed option is required if a default feed is not configured.

Additional options may be required depending on the package type. If a required option is missing, an error will be returned indicating the missing option.

Deleting an npm Package requires the scope (e.g. myscope), name (e.g. @myscope/my-npm-package) and version (e.g. 2.0.0):

pgutil packages delete --feed=MyNpmFeed --package=@my-scope/my-npm-package --version=2.0.0

Deleting a Pypi Package requires the package (e.g. myPypiPackage), version (e.g. 7.8.9) and filename (e.g. myPypiPackage-7.8.9.tar.gz):

pgutil packages delete --feed=myPypiFeed --package=myPypiPackage --version=7.8.9 --filename=myPypiPackage-7.8.9.tar.gz

Deleting a Debian Package requires the package (e.g. myDebianPackage), version (e.g. 2.3.4), component (e.g. main), distribution (e.g. stable) and architecture (e.g. amd64):

pgutil packages delete --feed=myDebianFeed --package=myDebianPackage --version=2.3.4 --component=main --distro=stable --arch=amd64

Note source options must also be specified unless you have the "Default" source configured, and that a feed may be instead specified in the source. See Working with Sources to learn more.

HTTP Request Specification

To delete a package, simply POST to the URL with a feed name, package identifiers, and an appropriate API Key.

POST /api/packages/«feed-name»/delete?«package-identifiers»

Unless you use a purl, the parameters required will vary by feedtype.

HTTP Response Specification

Response Details
200 (Success) indicates the package was deleted (no body)
400 (Invalid Input) indicates invalid or missing properties on the package; the body will provide some details as text
403 (Unauthorized API Key) indicates a missing, unknown, or unauthorized API Key; the package will not be deleted
500 (Server Error) indicates an unexpected error; the body will contain the message and stack trace, and this will also be logged

Sample Usage Scripts

Delete All Packages Except for Latest Version (Powershell)

The following script will delete all non-latest versions of GeneralUtils.NET in the private-nuget feed.

$baseUrl = "https://proget.corp.local/api/packages"
$feedName = "private-nuget"
$packageName = "GeneralUtils.NET"
$apiKey = "a1b2c3d4e5"

$allVersionsUrl = "$baseUrl/$feedName/versions?name=$packageName"
$allVersions = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $allVersionsUrl -Headers @{"X-ApiKey" = $apiKey}

$latestVersionUrl = "$baseUrl/$feedName/latest?name=$packageName"
$latestVersion = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $latestVersionUrl -Headers @{"X-ApiKey" = $apiKey}

foreach ($version in $allVersions) 
        if ($version.Version -ne $latestVersion.Version) 
                $deleteVersionUrl = "$baseUrl/$feedName/delete?name=$packageName&version=$($version.Version)"
            Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $deleteVersionUrl -Headers @{"X-ApiKey" = $apiKey} -Method POST
            Write-Host "Deleted version $($version.Version)"

Write-Host "All old versions of $packageName have been deleted, except for the latest version $($latestVersion.Version)."

This returns:

Deleted version 3.0.3-beta1
Deleted version 2.0.2
Deleted version 2.0.2-beta3
All old versions of GeneralUtils.NET have been deleted, except for the latest version 3.0.3.

### Delete All Pre-release (Alpha or Beta) Versions of a Package (Python)
The following script will delete all "alpha" and "beta" versions of the `GeneralUtils.NET` package in the `private-nuget`, leaving only release versions in the feed.

import requests

packageName = "GeneralUtils.NET"
baseUrl = "https://proget.corp.local/api/packages/private-nuget"
apiKey = "a1b2c3d4e5"

package_info_url = f"{baseUrl}/versions?name={packageName}"

headers = {"X-ApiKey": apiKey}

response = requests.get(package_info_url, headers=headers)

if response.status_code == 200:
    package_info = response.json()

    for version in package_info:
        package_name = version["Name"]
        package_version = version["Version"]

        if "beta" in package_version or "alpha" in package_version:
            delete_url = f"{baseUrl}/delete?name={package_name}&version={package_version}"
            response =, headers=headers)

            if response.status_code == 200:
                print(f"{package_name} version {package_version} deleted.")
                print(f"Failed to delete {package_name} version {package_version}.")

    print(f"All 'beta' or 'alpha' versions of {packageName} have been deleted.")
    print(f"Failed to retrieve package information for {packageName}. Status code: {response.status_code}")

Running this script will output something like this:

GeneralUtils.NET version 13.0.3-beta1 deleted.
GeneralUtils.NET version 13.0.2-beta3 deleted.
All 'beta' or 'alpha' versions of GeneralUtils.NET have been deleted.