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ProGet provides several pgutil commands (available as pgutil packages) and HTTP endpoints to query, download, publish, delete, and perform other operations on packages in package-based feeds, regardless of the package type.

pgutil Commands

All HTTP endpoints of the Packages API are available as pgutil commands.

To find the list of commands available in pgutil, simply run pgutil packages. See Getting started with pgutil to learn more.

Available HTTP Endpoints

The Packages API is available starting from ProGet 2023.0

Authenticating to Packages API

The following is a summary of access types and their corresponding requirements for various API keys types and endpoints within this API.

Access Type Requirements
System API Keys Use/Manage Feeds
Feed API Keys View/Download is required for all endpoints
Add/Repackage is required for Upload Package and Repackage Package
Overwrite/Delete is required for Delete Package
Promote is required for Promote Package
Personal API Key Feeds_ViewFeed is required for all endpoints
Feeds_AddPackage is required for Upload Package and Repackage Package
Feeds_DeletePackage is required for Delete Package
No API Key anonymous or authenticated user must have at least Feeds_ViewFeed

To specify an API Key, use the request header (X-ApiKey), querystring (key), or api:«api-key» as the username. See API Key Usage to learn more.

Package Identifiers (Group/Name/Version vs Purl)

Endpoints that work with a single package version (e.g. downloading, deleting, etc.) require identifying a single version package using querystring parameters. This can be done by specifying multiple parameters (name and version, and sometimes group and qualifier) or a single paramter (purl).

Using Multiple Parameters to Identify a Package

Identifying a package version requires up to four different components, depending on the type of package.

Argument Details Endpoints Used
name the name/id of package to download all
version the version of package to download all
group used only by Universal and npm feeds; for npm, this is the "scope" with the the @ replaced by %40 query package version, query latest package, download package, delete package, set package status
qualifier used by some feeds (like Debian and rubygems) for attributes like architecture query package version, query latest package, download package, delete package, set package status

Using a Purl to Identify a Package

To simplify package identification, you can also specify a purl (i.e. Package Url) that is compatible across all package types.

This follows the purl-spec, and you can also find it on the PackageVersion Object

Documentation Conventions

In the operations that require package version identifier, we will use «package-identifiers»to reference the one or multiple parameters that you can use.

Data Specifications

PackageVersionInfo Object Attributes

PackageVersionInfo is a JSON object (see PackageVersionInfo.cs) that corresponds to the fields on a Package. It's used as output data for List Packages and List Package Versions as a JSON-formatted object.

Example JSON Object:

        "purl": "pkg:nuget/myNugetPackage@1.2.3",
        "name": "myNugetPackage",
        "version": "1.2.3",
        "totalDownloads": 0,
        "downloads": 0,
        "published": "2024-05-28T09:14:31.313Z",
        "publishedBy": "j.smith",
        "size": 2596051,
        "listed": false,
        "md5": "a80c7fb0a5437ce4fa16a664bcc95c60",
        "sha1": "50d8ccef2efbc9b5bfc38f7ae41c989de2011b55",
        "sha256": "3d21caf909f9db2b5d13249d6728c2506c55e72e2123fbe2af65a056c0a0bf9d",
        "sha512": "6934665f0479c58bbe996c44f2bf16d435a72f4d92795f0bc1d40cb0b234jh3jc...",
        "deprecated": true

PackageStatus Object Attributes

PackageStatus is a JSON object (see PackageStatus.cs) that corresponds to the fields on a package's status. It's used as input data for Set Package Status as a JSON-formatted object.

Example JSON Object:

    "listed": false,
    "allow": null, 
    "deprecated": true,
    "deprecationReason": "Legacy Package",

PromotePackageInput Object Attributes

PromotePackageInput is a JSON object (see PromotePackageInput.cs) that corresponds to the fields of a promotion. It's used as input data for Promote Package as a JSON-formatted object.

Example JSON Object:

  "name": "myNpmPackage",
  "group": "myScope",
  "version": "1.2.3",
  "fromFeed": "npm-unapproved",
  "toFeed": "npm-approved",
  "comments": "This package was approved by admin"