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List Licenses

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List Licenses is available as both a pgutil command and an HTTP Request, and will return an array of License objects, describing all existing licenses.

Command Specification (CLI)

The licenses list command is used to list all existing licenses.

Listing all licenses does not require any options beyond the basic command:

pgutil licenses list

Example Output:

0BSD: BSD Zero Clause License

AAL: Attribution Assurance License

ABC: ABC License

Abstyles: Abstyles License

AdaCore-doc: AdaCore Doc License

Adobe-2006: Adobe Systems Incorporated Source Code License Agreement

Adobe-Display-PostScript: Adobe Display PostScript License

Adobe-Glyph: Adobe Glyph List License

Adobe-Utopia: Adobe Utopia Font License


Listing License Files

The licenses files list command is used to list all existing license files.

Listing all license files does not require any options beyond the basic command:

pgutil licenses files list

Example Output:

0BSD 0a93c5768997c4ab6aea20386831cd5c63b8a2dd8484a36d99341aa2aafaa6b1
AAL 7608408f4ffdbc1ea582fcf9c2932489b87fd2bab912147612110ab75dfe65cd
Abstyles 2c7874987a8cb6de0690e4b779d2bc12afa94274fe295d6b147a9dcb30368de2
AdaCore-doc d74075bcffa19dbb1144512552a28b38fc8ba53085b2973c94ff8010c50eab5a
Adobe-2006 07aed3e8f1c4fb27b1240b5a0eb173b4fd8840367d5875fde130445f72b59f5c
Adobe-Display-PostScript 1d7589c8f1adbc5713e928a263cff5c942b00861c94ecaa8c0be0fcdbc1b5c56
Adobe-Glyph 33220eb7a88f19f3f0b2991a9208c137b122c45bdc0139567cc29f162acdae27
Adobe-Utopia 1e55fcd0120578420962bb39ec22ebdcb8e879c14c04f7c08892fbd33f4c906a

HTTP Request Specification

To list all existing licenses, simply GET to the URL with an appropriate API Key.

GET /api/licenses/list

HTTP Response Specification

A successful (200) response body will contain an array of License objects. For example:

GET /api/management/licenses/list

    "licenseId": "0BSD",
    "title": "BSD Zero Clause License",
    "urls": [
    "allowed": true,
    "allowedLicenses": ["OpenLicenses"],
    "blockedLicenses": []
    "licenseId": "AAL",
    "title": "Attribution Assurance License",
    "urls": [
    "allowed": true,
    "allowedLicenses": [],
    "blockedLicenses": []
  { ... } // other licenses
Response Details
200 (Success) body will contain an array of License objects
403 (Unauthorized API Key) indicates a missing, unknown, or unauthorized API Key; the body will be empty

Sample Usage Scripts

List all licenses (PowerShell)

This script will print a list of all existing licenses by their ID, name and URLS.

$apiUrl = "https://proget.corp.local/api/management/licenses/list"
$apiKey = "abc12345"

$headers = @{"X-ApiKey" = $apiKey}

$response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $apiUrl -Method Get -Headers $headers

foreach ($license in $response) {
    $licenseId = $license.licenseId
    $licenseTitle = $license.title
    $licenseUrls = $license.urls -join ', '  # Convert array to comma-separated string

    $formattedFeed = "{0}: {1} ({2})" -f $licenseId, $licenseTitle, $licenseUrls
    Write-Host $formattedFeed

Example Output:

Abstyles: Abstyles License (,
Adobe-2006: Adobe Systems Incorporated Source Code License Agreement (,
Adobe-Glyph: Adobe Glyph List License (,
AFL-1.1: Academic Free License v1.1 (,