Update Feed Storage
Update Feed Storage is available as both a pgutil
command and an HTTP Request, and will update a specified feed's storage configuration using the FeedStorageConfiguration object properties defined in the request body.
This example updates the storage of the feed myNugetFeed
to azure
pgutil feeds storage change --feed=myNugetFeed --type=azure --ConnectionString=DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=myazurestorage;AccountKey=H+2dPzlkXN3k5r8GwS1o9YX3u5pAzU+8LWosFSQxBTG1CRl3q8k9ZjQz1qE1ZnxyG+0jl5vKlRjN2o2MWwzA==;EndpointSuffix=core.windows.net --ContainerName=projectdocuments --TargetPath=projectdocuments/uploads/2024/07/
Command Specification (CLI)
The feeds storage change
command is used to update a feed's storage configuration.
The --feed
and --type
options are always required. Additional options are required, depending on the storage type.
Updating a feed's storage type to disk
requires the feed name (e.g. myNugetFeed
), the storage type (e.g. disk
) and the storage path (e.g. C:\ProgramData\Proget\Packages
pgutil feeds storage change --feed=myNugetFeed --type=disk --StoragePath=C:\ProgramData\Proget\Packages
Updating a feed's storage type to s3
requires the feed name (e.g. myPypiFeed
), the storage type (e.g. disk
), and the region endpoint (e.g. us-east-1
). The following options can also be included:
Option | Description | Example |
--AccessKey | User's access key | AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE |
--SecretAccessKey | User's secret access key | wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYKEY |
--BucketName | Name of the S3 bucket | my-bucket |
--TargetPath | (Default: none ) |
backups/2024/July |
--MakePublic | Setting to true will make data publicly available. (default false ) |
false |
--Encrypted | Setting to true will encrypt the data. (default false ) |
false |
--InstanceRole | Overrides access key and secret key; only available on EC2 instances or ECS Tasks. | arn:aws:iam::123456789012:instance-profile/S3AccessRole |
--UseInstanceProfile | When using an IAM Role, indicates if role is an instance profile. (default false ). |
false |
--CustomServiceUrl | Specifying a custom service URL will override the region endpoint. | https://proget.corp.local |
pgutil feeds storage change --feed=myPypiFeed --type=s3 --RegionEndpoint=us-east-1 --AccessKey=AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE --SecretAccessKey=wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYKEY
Updating a feed's storage type to azure
requires the feed name (e.g. myNpmFeed
), the storage type (e.g. disk
), the connection string (e.g. DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=myazurestorage;AccountKey=H+2dPzlkXN3k5r8GwS1o9YX3u5pAzU+8LWosFSQxBTG1CRl3q8k9ZjQz1qE1ZnxyG+0jl5vKlRjN2o2MWwzA==;EndpointSuffix=core.windows.net
), and the container name (e.g. projectdocuments). Optionally, a target path can be included (e.g. projectdocuments/uploads/2024/07/
pgutil feeds storage change --feed=myNpmFeed --type=azure --ConnectionString=DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=myazurestorage;AccountKey=H+2dPzlkXN3k5r8GwS1o9YX3u5pAzU+8LWosFSQxBTG1CRl3q8k9ZjQz1qE1ZnxyG+0jl5vKlRjN2o2MWwzA==;EndpointSuffix=core.windows.net --ContainerName=projectdocuments --TargetPath=projectdocuments/uploads/2024/07/
HTTP Request Specification
To update a feed, simply POST
to the URL with the feed
name, an appropriate API Key and a FeedStorageConfiguration object as the request body.
POST /api/storage?feed=«feed-name»
HTTP Response Specification
Response | Details |
200 (Success) | indicates the feed's storage configuration was updated |
400 (Invalid Input) | indicates invalid or missing properties in the request; the body will provide some details as text |
403 (Unauthorized API Key) | indicates a missing, unknown, or unauthorized API Key; the body will be empty |
404 (Feed Not Found) | indicates that the specified feed does not exist |