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Set Package Status

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Set Package Status is available as both a pgutil command and an HTTP Request, and will set the unlisted, deprecated, or blocked status for a package.

This API requires ProGet 2023.18 or later.

Command Specification (CLI)

The packages status command is used to change the status of a package on a ProGet feed.

There are three commands available (unlisted, blocked, and deprecated), and each command has a --state option that can be specified to change the default state.

Command Valid States
unlisted unlisted, listed state defaults to unlisted
blocked blocked, notset, allowed state defaults to blocked
deprecated deprecated clear state defaults to deprecated

The deprecated command also has a --reason option that can be used to provide additional deprecation information.

The --package and --version options are always required, and the --feed option is required if a default feed is not configured.

Example: Re-Listing a NuGet package requires a feed (e.g. MyNugetFeed), package name (e.g. myNugetPackage), version (e.g. 1.0.0), and state (listed):

pgutil packages status unlisted --feed=myNugetFeed --package=myNugetPackage --version=1.0.0 --state=listed

Example: Deprecating an NPM package with a reason requires a feed (MyNpmFeed), the name (e.g. @myScope/myNpmPackage), a version (e.g. 2.0.0), and optionally a reason:

pgutil packages status deprecated --feed MyNpmFeed --package=@myScope/myNpmPackage --version=2.0.0 --reason=CriticalBugs

Note source options must also be specified unless you have the "Default" source configured, and that a feed may be instead specified in the soruce. See Working with Sources to learn more.

HTTP Request Specification

To set a package's status, simply POST or PUT to the URL with a feed name, package identifiers, an appropriate API Key and a PackageStatus object as the request body.

POST /api/packages/«feed-name»/status?«package-identifiers»

Unless you use a purl, the parameters required will vary by feedtype.

HTTP Response Specification

Response Details
200 (Success) indicates the package status was set
400 (Invalid Input) indicates invalid or missing properties on the input; the body will provide some details as text
403 (Unauthorized API Key) indicates a missing, unknown, or unauthorized API Key; the package status will not be updated
500 (Server Error) indicates an unexpected error; the body will contain the message and stack trace, and this will also be logged

Sample Usage Scripts

Deprecate All Packages Below a Specific Version (Powershell)

This script will deprecate all versions of GeneralUtils.NET package below version 3.0.0 in the private-nuget feed, with the reason given as "Legacy (no longer maintained)"

$proGetBaseUrl = "https://proget.corp.local"
$apiKey = "a1b2c3d4e5"
$feedName = "private-nuget"
$packageName = "GeneralUtils.NET"
$deprecatedReason = @("Legacy (no longer maintained)") 
$targetVersion = "3.0.0"

$uri = "$proGetBaseUrl/api/packages/$feedName/versions?name=$packageName"
$versionsResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Headers @{"X-ApiKey" = $apiKey}
$packageVersions = $versionsResponse | Where-Object { $_.version -lt $targetVersion }

foreach ($packageVersion in $packageVersions) {
    $uri = "$proGetBaseUrl/api/packages/$feedName/status?name=$packageName&version=$($packageVersion.version)"
    $deprecationInfo = @{
        reason = $deprecatedReason
        alternateName = $packageName
        alternateVersions = $packageVersion.version
    $requestBody = @{
        listed = $false
        deprecation = $deprecationInfo
    } | ConvertTo-Json
    Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method Post -Headers @{"X-ApiKey" = $apiKey} -Body $requestBody

Write-Host "Deprecation completed for versions of $packageName below $targetVersion in $feedName feed."

Running this script will output something like this:

Deprecation completed for versions of GeneralUtils.NET below 13.0.0 in test-feed-2 feed.
Deprecated 2.0.3 of GeneralUtils.NET in private-nuget feed.
Deprecated 2.0.3-beta2 of GeneralUtils.NET in private-nuget feed.
Deprecated 2.0.2-beta2 of GeneralUtils.NET in private-nuget feed.
Deprecation completed for versions of GeneralUtils.NET below 3.0.0 in private-nuget feed.

Delist All Versions Except for the Latest Version (Powershell)

This script will delist all versions of the GeneralUtils.NET package in the private-nuget feed, except for the latest version.

$proGetBaseUrl = "https://proget.corp.local"
$apiKey = "a1b2c3d4e5"
$feedName = "private-nuget"
$packageName = "GeneralUtils.NET"
$deprecatedReason = @("Legacy (no longer maintained)") 
$targetVersion = "3.0.0"

# Define a function to compare version numbers as numbers
function Compare-Versions ($a, $b) {
    $aVersion = [System.Version]::new($a)
    $bVersion = [System.Version]::new($b)
    return $aVersion.CompareTo($bVersion)

$uri = "$proGetBaseUrl/api/packages/$feedName/versions?name=$packageName"
$versionsResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Headers @{"X-ApiKey" = $apiKey}
$packageVersions = $versionsResponse | Where-Object { (Compare-Versions $_.version $targetVersion) -lt 0 }

foreach ($packageVersion in $packageVersions) {
    $uri = "$proGetBaseUrl/api/packages/$feedName/status?name=$packageName&version=$($packageVersion.version)"
    $deprecationInfo = @{
        reason = $deprecatedReason
        alternateName = $packageName
        alternateVersions = $packageVersion.version
    $requestBody = @{
        listed = $false
        deprecation = $deprecationInfo
    } | ConvertTo-Json
    Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uri -Method Post -Headers @{"X-ApiKey" = $apiKey} -Body $requestBody

Write-Host "Deprecation completed for versions of $packageName below $targetVersion in $feedName feed."

Running this script will output something like this:

Delisted 12.0.3 of GeneralUtils.NET
Delisted 12.0.3-beta2 of GeneralUtils.NET
Delisted 12.0.2-beta2 of GeneralUtils.NET
Delisting completed for all versions below version (13.0.3) in private-nuget.