Manual Extensions Installation
  • 03 Jun 2021
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Manual Extensions Installation

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Article Summary

For installations that are restricted from accessing the internet, or if you with to install a version other than the latest, extensions can also be installed manually:


  1. Download the desired version of the extension from the public ProGet feed
    Copy the extension file (e.g. Windows.upack) to the extensions path.
  2. Visit the Admin > Advanced Settings page within your Inedo product instance to determine where extensions are stored by examining the Extensions.ExtensionsPath setting.
  3. Ensure the file is named <extension-name>.upack in the extensions directory, and that no other files with the same name exist in that directory, even with a different extension. For example, make sure to delete an existing <extension-name>.inedox file if you are installing <extension-name>.upack.

The downloaded file may contain a version part, which should be removed (e.g. InedoCore-1.5.0.upack should be just InedoCore.upack)

  1. Restart the product's Windows service: Admin > Service > Stop then Start (e.g. INEDOBMSVC, INEDOPROGETSVC)
  2. Restart the product's Website application, either the IIS application pool: Admin > Service > Restart Web App
  3. Verify that the new extension has been loaded (Admin > Extensions)

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