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Policies & Compliance Rules

Modified on July 26, 2024view on GitHub

Policies & Compliance Rules make it easy to clearly define what "compliant" means for open-source packages in different contexts. You can easily define rules about licensing, vulnerability, deprecation, etc. to block download/usage of noncompliant packages, while also having flexibility to create exceptions for known packages and "warn" for packages that are in-between.

Feed Policies & Packages

Feeds typically use two sets of rules (global- and feed-level) to determine whether packages are compliant, noncompliant, or neither (i.e. "warn"). Rules created at the feed-level will override global rules, which means you can combine rules to say, for example, "GPL 3 licenses are noncompliant, except in this feed."

A set of rules is called a Policy, and you create additional Policies and use them across different feeds. Similar to Global and Feed-level Policies, the rules in a Shared policy can override other rules, providing a lot of flexibility for determining compliance. See Shared & Multiple Policies to learn more.

Viewing and Changing Feed Policies

The easiest way to view or change the Policies that apply to a feed is by navigating to Feeds > Manage Feeds > Policies and Blocking.

This page combines the feed's Policies into a single view, so you can easily see which rules will apply to packages in the feed. You can also see and edit an individual policy under Admin > Policies.

Package Analysis & Compliance

Based on the feed's policies, packages will display a banner that indicates compliant, noncompliant, or warn.

This status is the result of a package analysis, which occurs:

  • Every evening using the Package Analyzer Scheduled Job
  • Immediately after being added to a feed
  • Upon download, if there was a recent change to the feed's policies

You can also manually perform a package analysis by navigating to a package and selecting Reanalyze Package from the top-right drop-down button menu.

A re-analysis will provide a detailed log that can help troubleshoot rules across multiple policies.

Compliance Rules

A policy contains a number of rules that are used to analyze whether packages are compliant, noncompliant, or neither (i.e. "warn").

When a package is analyzed, it's evaluated against each rule individually. The result of a rule evaluation will be compliant, noncompliant, or warn, and the package's compliance status as a whole will be:

  • βœ” Compliant - all rules were compliant
  • ❌ Noncompliant - at least one rule was noncompliant
  • ⚠ Warn - at least one rule was warn, and no rules were noncompliant

The analysis logic gets a little more complicated with rule exemptions and multiple policies, but in all cases, there is a fixed number of pre-defined rules that you can configure on a policy.

Vulnerability Rules

Vulnerability rules determine compliance based on the vulnerabilities that were detected in a package, and more specifically, how you assessed those vulnerabilities.

There are two types of vulnerability rules you can configure:

  • Unassessed Vulnerability Rule is evaluated when the package has a vulnerability you haven't assessed, or with an expired assessment; this defaults to Warn
  • Assessed Vulnerability Rules are evaluated based on how the package's vulnerabilities have been assessed:
    • Severe assessment types default to noncompliant
    • Warn assessment types default to Warn
    • Ignore assessment types default to Compliant
    • Custom assessment types default to Warn

Defining vulnerability rules may be particularly useful when you use custom assessment types. For example, you may wish to have ProGet's auto-assess feature "temporarily" assess a vulnerability until you can manually review/reassess.

If multiple vulnerabilities were detected on a package, they will each be evaluated against the rules separately. For example, if one vulnerability was assessed as Ignore, but another is Severe, the package would still be considered noncompliant.

License Rules

License rules determine compliance based on the licenses that were detected in a package, or the lack of detected licenses.

There are three types of license rules you can configure:

  • Unknown License Rule is evaluated when a license couldn't be detected on the package; this defaults to Warn
  • Specified License Rules consist of a license type (e.g. MIT, GPL) and a status (Compliant, noncompliant, Warn), and are evaluated matching package licenses
  • Unspecified License Rule is evaluated when when there are no Specified License Rules; this defaults to Compliant

Although ProGet does not include any default rules for Specified Licenses, the Global policy created on new installations of ProGet includes rules that warn about commonly unwanted licenses (GPL, etc).

Creating Whitelist, Greylist, and Blacklist Policies

The Unspecified License Rule primarily serves to let you define a Whitelist-, Greylist-, and Blacklist-style policies.

For example:

  • Whitelist would set Unspecified to noncompliant, which means a Specified Rule would need to be created for all permitted licenses
  • Greylist would set Unspecified to Warn, and Specified Rule should generally be created permitted and unwanted licenses
  • Blacklist would set Unspecified to Compliant, and a Specified Rule would be created for all unwanted licenses

Packages with Multiple Licenses

If a package has multiple licenses detected, this means that the consumer can choose which license they'd like to use. When this is the case, ProGet will use the more compliant license for evaluation purposes. For example, if a package is dual-licensed with GPL and MIT, it would still be considered compliant if GPL licenses were noncompliant and MIT licenses were compliant.

Listed & Deprecated Rules

ProGet includes two additional rules that can help determine compliance.

Unlisted Rule

Packages in ProGet and public repositories like can be marked as "unlisted", which means they shouldn't be used in new projects. and call this "yanked".

Unlisted packages are displayed with a small "invisible" icon in the ProGet web interface, and some clients (like dotnet nuget, Visual Studio, pip, gem, etc.) will "decrease the visibility in search results" of unlisted packages.

The Unlisted Rule is applied to packages that are marked as "unlisted", and it defaults to Compliant

Deprecated Rule

Similar to "unlisted", packages in ProGet and public repositories like and can be marked as "deprecated", which means they generally shouldn't be used in any project.

Deprecated packages are displayed with a small "caution" icon in the ProGet web interface, and some clients (Visual Studio, dotnet nuget, npm) will also warn about deprecated packages in the project.

The Deprecated Rule is applied to packages that are marked as "deprecated", and it defaults to Warn.

Other & Custom Rules

These rules are just the starting point, and we'd love to get your feedback on what else we could add. Perhaps we could even allow users to create their own rules using a plug-in?

Just reach out to us via our support channel, preferably using the Inedo Forums, so everyone can benefit from the discussion.

Our current ideas include a "Latest Patch Version" rule, which would make sure that a package is the latest version. So if you were to use Newtonsoft.Json 13.0.2, you could be warned that it's not the latest "patch" version (13.0.3 is current, as of this writing).

Rule Exceptions

Although you configure complex sets of rules using Shared & Multiple Policies, you can also create exceptions to those rules for certain packages. These can be permanent or temporary, and apply to a range of packages and versions.

For example, private packages that you create won't really have a license agreement, which means ProGet may consider them unlicensed and thus noncompliant. Although you could create a "fake" license definition for your own packages, it's clearer to exempt your own packages (i.e. MyCorp.* ) from license rule analysis:

An example for a temporary exemption is a deprecated third-party package. If the author deprecates a package that you have no intention of upgrading for at least a year, an expiring exemption would allow you to effectively "ignore" those compliance warnings.

When using multiple policies, note that exemptions are not "overridden" like rules. This means that if you define an exception in the Global policy, it cannot be "undone" at a feed-level.

Name Wildcards and Version Filters

An exception can be for a single package, or for all packages with a matching name and version range.

Names support wildcards. For example, MyCorp.* will match all packages that start with MyCorp.. You can specify multiple wildcards, although that may be confusing and isn't recommended.

Versions support wildcards in the same format as names, and they also support internval range syntax, which is slightly more complicated. For example:

  • 1.3.1 means "exactly version 1.3.1"
  • 1.3.* means "any version that starts with 1.3."
  • [1.3.0,) means "1.3.0 or greater"
  • (1.4.5,) means "greater than 1.4.5"
  • (,5.0.0) means "less than 5.0.0"
  • [1.0,2.0) means "1.0 or later, up to (but not including) 2.0"

You can combine multiple expressions as a comma-separated list (e.g. 4.2.1, [4.5.1,)), but that gets pretty confusing and isn't recommended.

Shared & Multiple Policies (Advanced)

In addition to global and feed-level policies, you can create a Shared Policy that can be used across multiple feeds that require similar rules or exemptions.

These shared policies can be created on Manage Feed > Policies & Blocking, or Administration > Manage Policies.

Naming Convention

ProGet uses the policy's name to determine it's type.

  • Global Policy is the policy named "Global", and is always used by all feeds
  • Feed Policies have the same name as a feed, and will always be used by that feed
  • Shared Policies have any other name, and are used only by the feeds you associate them with

The UI does not enforce these naming conventions, which means you can rename the Global policy to "convert" it to a shared policy.

ProGet 2023 and Earlier

Policies & Compliance Rules are a new feature for ProGet 2024 and replaced the download blocking rules for licenses ( and vulnerabilities ( in which you could implement similar functionality.

When Policies & Compliance Rules is first enabled after updating from ProGet 2023 and earlier, existing license rules and vulnerability assessments will be used to create new policies that you can view, edit, and combine as described below. These policies will then be used to determine if a package download should be blocked.