SCA and Continuous Integration (CI)
  • 24 Mar 2023
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SCA and Continuous Integration (CI)

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Article Summary

The easiest way to perform a Software Composition Analysis (SCA) on your applications is to run a command line tool called pgscan during your Build/Continuous Integration (CI) process. For SCA integration with Java, see our ProGet SCA Integration with Java guide.

pgscan scans the code you just built, identifies the open source components used, and publishes this information to the ProGet server for further analysis.

This article explains how pgscan works, where it can be integrated into your CI process, and provides a sample PowerShell script.

Identifying Components with pgscan

pgscan is a free and open-source tool designed to run immediately after building your application, generally as part of the Continuous Integration (CI) process.

When run, pgscan will scan the build outputs; identify open-source components in .NET, npm, and Python projects; and publish that information to your ProGet server. It is available as a standalone tool for Windows/Linux, an installable dotnet tool, or a .NET class library.

HOWTO: Use pgscan Command-line Interface (CLI)

Before installing pgscan on your build server, we recommend creating an API Key with "Upload SBOM" permissions for pgscan to use.

The easiest way to install pgscan on your server is to either:

  • Download from the GitHub releases page, and save it in a folder
  • Install as a dotnet tool using dotnet tool install --global pgscan

Once pgscan is installed, simply invoke the identify command after building your application. For example:

pgscan identify
 --project-name="My Application"

After running this command, pgscan publishes the third-party, open-source components found in the application to the target ProGet server.

In the example above, the ProGet server would create a project named MyApplication and publish those packages to the 5.00.21 release (which it would also create it if it didn't exist).

Note that the project-name and version command-line arguments will generally be passed in as variables from the build/CI process.

See the pgscan GitHub Repository for more details on command-line arguments.

Using CycloneDX Instead of pgscan

If you're already using a tool like CycloneDX in your CI/CD pipeline to generate SBOM documents, you can simply upload those SBOMs to ProGet using the SCA API.

  -d @output/MySBomFile.xml
  -H "Content-Type: text/xml"
  -H "X-ApiKey: mySecretKey1000"

Behind the scenes, this is what pgscan identify will do: generate an SBOM file, then upload it to the API.

Integrating psgcan into Your CI Process

Continuous Integration (CI) is very specific to the technology your application uses (e.g. NET, Python, Java, etc.) and the CI tool (Jenkins, Azure DevOps, TeamCity, etc.) you use. However, at a high level, they all follow a very similar process of retrieving source code, building it, and packaging it.

General CI Process

The following steps illustrate a "generic" continuous integration process, and show where you'll want to run pgscan:

  1. Get Source Code; download/retrieve the desired source code from a source control repository like Git
  2. Prepare Source Code; prior to compiling the code, you'll often have steps that will prepare the code to be built by your build tool
    • Modify Source Files; for exampe, editing the AssemblyInfo.cs
    • Restore Packages; using a command like nuget restore, this will download the packages required to build/compile the code from your repository (e.g. ProGet)
  3. Build/Compile Code; using a tool like dotnet build, this will run your build/compilation script
  4. NEW STEP Run pgscan; this will inspect the built/compiled code, generate an SBOM document and publish it to ProGet
  5. Automated Unit Testing; an optional step that involves running code to test your code before it's packaged for deployment
  6. Package/Capture Artifacts; saves the required build output (such as .exe) that you will deploy later

Sample PowerShell Script For pgscan

This is a script that you can adapt and incorporate:

# variables set by your CI process
$ProjectPath = "MyDotNetProject1\something.csproj"
$ApplicationName = "MyDotNetProject1"
$ReleaseNumber = "4.3.2"

# configuration
$ProGetBaseUrl = "https://proget.mycompany.corp/"
$ProGetApiKey = "184a14b1-ddef-45e4-8954-4ad159bb5306"

# ensure tha pgscan is installed
dotnet tool install --global pgscan

# run pgscan...
dotnet pgscan identify
 --proget-url=$ProGetBaseUrl `
 --input=$ProjectPath `
 --type=nuget `
 --project-name=$ApplicationName `

Modifying Script for Your CI server

Azure DevOps

Use a local dotnet tool action to run pgscan on Windows and Linux build agents.

  1. Create a ProGet API key
  2. Once the API Key is created in ProGet, you will need to add it as a secret variable on your pipeline.
    1. Navigate to your pipeline in Azure DevOps
    2. Click Edit
    3. Click Variables and then the plus icon
    4. Enter a name (ex: PROGETAPIKEY) and your API key as the value
    5. Check "Keep this value secret"
    6. Click OK
  3. Commit a dotnet tool manifest
    1. At the root of your repository, run dotnet new tool-manifest (see Microsoft's dotnet local tool documentation for more information)
    2. Commit this to your git repository
  4. Add .NET 6.0 in your pipeline
    • If you are already using dotnet 6 in your pipeline, go to the next step.
    • Add the following to your workflow:
    - task: UseDotNet@2
        packageType: 'sdk'
        version: '6.0.x'
    • This can be added anywhere before the pgscan steps, but is typically added at the beginning
  5. Add the pgscan steps after build/publish steps of your code
    - script: dotnet tool install pgscan
    - script: dotnet tool run pgscan identify --type=nuget --input=MyProject.csproj --project-name=MyProject --version=1.0.0 --project-type=application --proget-url=https://proget.local --api-key=$(PROGETAPIKEY)

GitHub Actions

Use a local dotnet tool action to run pgscan on Windows and Linux build agents.

  1. Create a ProGet API key
    1. Once the API Key is created in ProGet, you will need to add it as a secret on your GitHub project
    2. Navigate to your project in GitHub
    3. Click "Settings"
    4. Navigate to "Secrets > Actions" on the right
    5. Click "New repository secret"
    6. Enter a name (ex: PROGETAPIKEY) and your API key as the secret value
  2. Commit a dotnet tool manifest
    1. At the root of your repository, run dotnet new tool-manifest (see Microsoft's local tool documentation for more information)
    2. Commit this to your git repository
  3. Setup .NET 6.0 in your workflow
    • If you are already using dotnet 6 in your workflow, go to the next step.
    • Add the following to your workflow:
        - name: Setup .NET
          uses: actions/setup-dotnet@v2
            dotnet-version: 6.0.x
    • This can be added anywhere before the pgscan steps, but is typically added at the beginning
  4. Add the pgscan steps after build/publish steps of your code
    - name: Install pgscan
      run: dotnet tool install pgscan
    - name: Run pgscan
      working-directory: ProfiteCalcNet.Console
      run: dotnet tool run pgscan identify --type=nuget --input=MyProject.csproj --project-name=MyProject --version=1.0.0 --project-type=application --proget-url=https://proget.local --api-key=${{ secrets.PROGETAPIKEY }}

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