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Server Configuration Management API

Modified on July 26, 2024view on GitHub

The Server Configuration Management API offer a simple mechanism for querying the configuration status of servers, environments, and server roles, as well as remediating drift.

For security and simplicity, these endpoints require that an API Key is created first.

Data Specification

This endpoint sends and receives entries as JSON objects.

Configuration Status Object

This represents the current configuration status for a server, server role, or environment.

Property Format
type A string value of server, role, or environment
name A string value with the name of the server, role, or environment
status A string value of:
  • current
  • drifted
  • executing - the server is currently involved in a collection or remediation execution
  • pendingRemediation - drifted, but with a remediation job scheduled
  • unknown - no configuration data collected
  • disabled - the server is marked inactive in the UI
  • error - an error occurred during collection or remediation
errorText When status is error, this will contain information about the nature of the error (agent failure, execution failure, etc); this property will be missing if the status is not error
collectionDate A string value with an ISO 8601 formatted date (yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss) of the most recently collection date, or null if there has been no collection
latestCollectionId When type is server, an integer identifying either the execution used for the current (when status is executing) or most recent collection run; this property will be null if no execution occurred, and will be missing if the type is not server
remediationDate When a remediation job is pending, a string value with an ISO 8601 formatted date (yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss) of when the configuration drift will be remediated with a job; otherwise this property will be missing
remediationId An integer identifying the job used for remediating the configuration drift; otherwise this property will be missing

Server Configuration Item Object

This represents data about a single configuration item (such as a file or application) that was collected on a server.

Property Format
type A string containing the type returned by the configuration item (ex. File)
key A string uniquely identifying the configuration item among others of the same type (ex. C:\hdarfs.txt)
status A string value of current, drifted, or unknown
collectionDate A string value with an ISO 8601 formatted date (yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss) of when this configuration was collected
collectionId An integer identifying the execution used for collecting the configuration
collectionRole An string value with the name of the role where the configuration is defined, or null if the configuration was defined on the server itself
remediationDate When a remediation job is pending, a string value with an ISO 8601 formatted date (yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss) of when the configuration drift will be remediated with a job; otherwise this property will be missing
remediationId An integer identifying the job used for remediating the configuration drift; otherwise this property will be missing

Get Configuration Status

GET or POST /api/configuration/status/?key=«api-key»&«entity-type»=«entity-name»

Gets a configuration status object for the specified entity-type (either server, role, or environment), or an array of all objects if no entity type is specified. A status of 200 (on success), 400 (invalid entity type), 403 (invalid key), 404 (server not found) is also returned.

Server Status

POST /api/configuration/status?key=secure123&server=mywebsv1
    "type": "server",
    "name": "mywebsv1",
    "status": "current",
    "collectionDate": "2016-04-13T03:28:11",
    "latestCollectionId": 10238

Role Status

POST /api/configuration/status?key=secure123&role=hdars
    "type": "role",
    "name": "hdars",
    "status": "pendingRemediation",
    "collectionDate": "2016-04-13T03:28:11",
    "remediationId": 233

All Statuses

POST /api/configuration/status?key=secure123
    "type": "role",
    "name": "hdars",
    "status": "pendingRemediation",
    "collectionDate": "2016-04-13T03:28:11",
    "remediationId": 233
    "type": "role",
    "name": "sdmweb",
    "status": "current",
    "collectionDate": "2016-04-13T04:21:11"
    "type": "environment",
    "name": "production",
    "status": "current",
    "collectionDate": "2016-04-13T07:21:14"
    "type": "server",
    "name": "mywebsv1",
    "status": "current",
    "collectionDate": "2016-04-13T03:28:11",
    "latestCollectionId": 10238

Trigger Configuration Check

GET or POST /api/configuration/check?key=«api-key»&«entity-type»=«entity-name»

Triggers a routine server configuration check of a specific entity-name (server or role), or all servers/roles if not supplied; this will otherwise occur every sixty minutes (by default) or when a user clicks the [Check Configuration] button in the UI. A status of 200 (on success) or 403 (invalid key) and an empty body is returned.

Future Enhancement? - this endpoint could return one or more collectionId values that could be checked against the collectionId configuration status object, to make sure it is the same. This would simplify the current process of checking for recent configuration changes (get collectionId, trigger run, keep getting collectionId until it changes). Please let us know if you think we should add this.

Trigger Remediation Job

GET or POST /api/configuration/remediate/«entity-type»/«entity-value»?key=«api-key»&job=«name»&start=«date»&simulate=«bool»

Creates a remediation job for the specified entity-type (either server, role, or environment), with an optional job name, start date (ISO 8601 formatted, yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss), and simulation mode, returning a status of 200 (on success), 400 (incorrect parameters), 404 (entity not found), or 403 (invalid key), and a body containing only a job token. If the start date is not set, the job will be triggered to run.

Simple GET

GET /api/configuration/remediate/server/mywebsv1?key=secure123
Status: 200
Body: 471

POST with Parameters

POST /api/configuration/remediate/role/hdars?key=secure123&job=autoremediate&start=2016-04-21T23:00:00&simulate=false
Status: 200
Body: 1871

The returned token is currently the integer-based identifier used for jobs; however, please treat this as a string of arbitrary length, just in case the implementation detail changes to a GUID... or maybe even a LongGuid.

Remediation Job Status Endpoint

GET or POST /api/configuration/remediate/status?key=«api-key»&token=«job-token»

Gets the status of a job that was created with the trigger remediation endpoint, using the job token returned by that method. The API returns a status of 200 (on success), 400 (invalid parameters), or 403 (invalid key), and a body containing one of the following strings:

  • pending - indicates that the job dispatcher has not yet begun execution; this could mean the job is set to run in the future, or the Otter service is disabled
  • completed - indicates that the job is complete (and did not end in a faulted state)
  • faulted - indicates that the job is complete but ended in an Error state
  • running - indicates that the job has not yet completed
  • disabled - indicates that the job was disabled

Get Server Configuration

GET or POST /api/configuration/server/«server-name»?key=«api-key»

Gets a JSON array of server configuration objects for the specified server as the body. A status of 200 (on success), 403 (invalid key), 404 (server not found) is also returned.

    "type": "File",
    "key": "C:\\hdirs.txt,
    "status": "current",
    "collectionDate": "2016-04-13T03:28:11",
    "collectionId": 1237,
    "collectionRole": null
    "type": "IIS App Pool",
    "key": "HDarsApp,
    "status": "drifted",
    "collectionDate": "2016-04-13T03:28:11",
    "collectionId": 1237,
    "collectionRole": "hdars",
    "remediationDate": "2016-04-14T04:00:00",
    "remediationId": 382
    "type": "IIS App Site",
    "key": "HDarsSite,
    "status": "drifted",
    "collectionDate": "2016-04-13T03:28:11",
    "collectionId": 1237,
    "collectionRole": "hdars",
    "remediationDate": "2016-04-14T04:00:00",
    "remediationId": 382