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Configuring High Availability & Load Balancing

Modified on July 26, 2024view on GitHub

The distributed architecture of ProGet, BuildMaster, and Otter allows you to configure an instance over any number of servers for both load-balancing and failover purposes. By doing so, any single server can take over the cluster in the event of server failure and outage. This can improve your Inedo product's performance in high-traffic environments.

You can manage your cluster by using the Cluster Management page in your Inedo product.


High Availability & Load Balancing requires the following components to be configured:

  • Load Balancer
  • Shared Storage
  • Shared Database
  • Inedo Product (Encryption Key & Settings)

In addition, an open TCP port (we recommend 33237) is recommended to allow for nodes within the cluster to communicate with eachother.

Selecting a Load Balancer

Your Inedo product is built to be compatible with any load balancing platform, including both software-based (such as HAProxy, NLP, or nginx) and appliance-based (such as F5, A10, Citrix) platforms. Each load balancer can be configured differently, so please consult the manufacturer's documentation for configuring the load balancer to work with IIS.

Example: Microsoft's Network Load Balancer

If you are new to load balancing, Microsoft's Network Load Balancing Cluster (NLB) is relatively easy to configure. See Using Microsoft Network Load Balancing (NLB) for guidance on how to use NLB with Inedo products.

Database Server

You will need a stand-alone SQL Server that all servers in your clustercan connect to. This could be as simple as SQL Express, but we recommend a database cluster so that there's no single point of failure within your High-availability setup.

Your Inedo product can work with any SQL Server Cluster installation, regardless of the failure detection mechanism and failover policy. SQL Server's Database Mirroring may also be used, but note that Microsoft has deprecated that feature in favor of AlwaysOn Availability Groups.

How to Create a Cluster

Any number of servers can be in a cluster to start, and more servers may be added later to distribute load and ensure rapid responses.

Step 1: Install Product on Each Server

Each server must be running the same version of an Inedo product. You can use the standard installation guides for each Inedo product to install the software on each server in the cluster.

The easiest method is usually the Inedo Hub.

Step 2: Configure the EncryptionKey

After installation, make sure the EncryptionKey value is the same across all servers.

For Windows, see see Installation Configuration Files to find the configuration file and where to set the EncryptionKey value.

For Linux/Docker, this involves setting a PROGET_ENCRYPTION_KEYenvironment variable; see Supported Environment Variables.

Step 3: Configure Shared Storage

Your Inedo product is compatible with any type of common storage that all services can access, whether software-based (e.g., SAMBA share, Windows Server Storage Spaces, etc.) or appliance-based (e.g., dedicated NAS). The only requirement is that the storage is readable and writeable by all servers.

Server-level Shared Storage

To configure server level shared storage, update the following:

Inedo Product Value
BuildMaster Artifacts.BasePath value in Administration > Advanced Settings.
ProGet Storage.PackagesRootPath value in Administration > Advanced Settings.
Otter No configuration is required

(ProGet) Feed-level Shared Storage

To configure storage at a feed level, first, navigate to the Manage Feed page for each feed. Click change on the right side of the Disk Path property. For cloud storage options, see Cloud Storage.

Step 4: Enable in Product

Once complete, from any web server, navigate to Administration, and click "More Info" under the "Cluster Overview" section. Clicking the "configure" link will open a dialog that allows you to check "Enable High-Availability (Automatic Fail-over)".

After saving configuration, restart the ProGet service on each of the nodes for the change to take effect.

Advanced Cluster Configuration Options

Clicking on the "Advanced" tab of the configuration will allow you to set additional values for your server cluster.


Note that changing these settings will also require a restart of both the web and service nodes on each server in the cluster.

Step 5: Verify Health & Configuration

Once enabled, the Indexing Cluster Health box on the administration page will be shown above the Service Status box. Clicking on the More Info link will display the Indexing Cluster Status page. On this page, you can see the status of every server in your cluster.

If a server is no longer in your cluster, you may delete it by clicking the appropriate red X button.

For troubleshooting tips, see Managing your Cluster.

Configuring Version 2022

This guide was written for Inedo products versioned 2023 and newer. If you're using ProGet 2022, BuildMaster 2022, or Otter 2022, you'll need to take a few different steps.

Enabling in Product (Step 4)

You'll need to enable Load Balancing and High Availability prior to seeing the Cluster Overview page in the administration section. To do this:

  1. click on the Configure Load Balancing link on your Inedo product’s administration page, then click on the Enable Load Balancing button
  2. click on the Configure High Availability Mode link on the software’s administration page, and then click on the Enable High Availability Mode button.

Configure Service Messenger (Step 4)

You'll also need to configure the "service messenger", which is used to allow nodes within the cluster to communicate directly with each other. It's not a critical component, and when it's not available, information in the Web UI may be delayed by a few seconds to a minute.

We recommend using port 33237 for this messenger. To configure this port:

  1. Set the Service.MessengerEndpoint configuration value (Admin > Advanced Settings) to tcp://*:33237
  2. Click the [change] button next to each service node, and enter tcp://«node-ip-address»:33237, where «node-ip-address» is the IP Address of the service displayed on the page

Then, restart the service and all web nodes.

ProGet 5.3 and Earlier

ProGet 5.3 and earlier required thata common "machine key" was configured on each server. See Microsoft's documentation for how to configure this in your web.config or machine.config files.

Machine keys can also be configured within the IIS Manager. To do this:

  • On the first server, select the ProGet website
    • Double click Machine Key
      • Use validation method SHA1 and Auto Encryption method
      • Deselect any check boxes
      • Click Generate Keys
      • Click Apply on the right panel; this will update the web.config with a machine key
  • On the remaining servers, select the ProGet website
    • Double click Machine Key
      • Use validation method SHA1 and Auto Encryption method
      • Deselect any check boxes
      • Enter the Validation key and Decryption key that was generated on the first server
      • Click Apply on the right panel; this will update the web.config with a machine key